Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly

Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly
Issue #1113
Volume 22 Number16
February 7, 2025

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Lee asks about passwords, security, and backups
I would like to ask you is a security question. I back up all my financial accounts etc. on an external hard drive and passwords on Bitwarden. However, should I backup to the cloud also, in case my laptop / Hard drive went missing. Is it safe and where would be the best place? I have OneDrive but only 5 GB of space. My wife has my Bitwarden password and I have hers. Thank you again.  Lee.

Our answer
Hi Lee. I'm not sure what you're asking. Bitwarden stores your passwords securely in the cloud. So even if you lost your computer, all you have to do is download Bitwarden and sign in with your Bitwarden username and master password and you'd have instant access to all your account passwords stored on Bitwarden. So, you passwords are safe no matter what happens to your computer.

As far as other irreplaceable files, you might want to consider backing them up in the cloud. Darcy and I use OneDrive because it's so easy to use and backs up all the folders and files in your user account. You get 1TB (1000 GB) of space with an MS365 Personal subscription for $99.99 a year or $9.99 a month. A personal account is for one person and up to five devices. If you wanted a plan for you and your family it's $129.99 a year or $12.99 a month. The family plan can be used by up to 6 people and gives you 6TB (6000 GB) of storage space. Get more details here.
I hope this answers your questions, Lee.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Mike asks about one of the apps suggested in one of our articles
Hi TC. In one of your recent newsletters, you repeated a link to SpeedFan 4.52 but even more predominantly displayed on their page is a download link to WinZip System Utilities Suite tools to update your drivers.  QUESTION does this mean this program has your approval because in the past you warned us against using any driver updating programs? Thank, Mike

Our answer
Hi Mike. If you see WinZip on that page you're seeing an ad, WinZip is certainly not recommended. If you use a good ad blocker you won't see a WinZip ad.

WinZip borders on malware and it is certainly unwanted software. It has nothing to with SpeedFan or our answer to Jerry about SpeedFan and we recommend everyone avoid WinZip and anything else that promises to "update drivers".
I recommend you use an ad blocker like uBlock Origin (Firefox, Edge, other browsers) or uBlock Origin Lite for Chrome.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Pam installed a Windows 10 update in November and now it's showing up again
When checking for Windows 10 updates today, it came back with an update (KB5048239), which installed on my computer, successfully in November of 2024. Do you have any idea why this is showing again as a new update? And do I need to install it again?

Our answer
Hi Pam. It looks like this is just another of the increasing number of Windows 10 problems that make it seem like Windows 10 users are being neglected by Microsoft as it continues to push Windows 10 users to Windows 11.  The problem you're having with this update seems to be a common problem as it looks like many people are having the same problem as you are - see this page - one of the comments reads almost like your question.

You can try delaying updates for as long as possible (35 days), see our tutorial here... and hope that in 35 days Microsoft fixes this issue, our you can try hiding the update as shown on our page here.
We hope this helps you, Pam.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Leslie wants to download a program from SourceForge
Hi TC. There's a program I would like to use. I would like to know if SourceForge is a safe site from which to download. The URL is! All the best, Leslie.

Our answer
Hi Leslie.  SourceForge has had some problems in the past, however I think you'd probably be safe to download that app from there. However, you can download it from SnapFiles and be 100% safe. SnapFiles is one our two recommended download sites.  Here's the link...

Hope this helps you, Leslie. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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We offer many other computer services too! If you have a problem with your computer - we can fix it!

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Janis asks about cloning her hard drive before installing Windows 11 24H2
I sure hope you can give me advice, please. With the dreaded 24H2 update delayed and now mandated to install on my laptop in a few days, I think it would be wise to clone my Windows 11 computer's hard drive. But I have never cloned a drive before. So here I sit with a new Seagate external drive in my hand, an empty brain, and fear in my heart. Have you done a guide of some kind that can take me through this process? Thank you ever so much for helping me in the past and for the gazillions of newsletters that make me believe maybe I can conquer the world of computers if only a little bit. ~ Janis

Our answer
Hi Janis. While Windows 11 24H2 has been problematic for many people, I have never heard of anyone losing all the data when installing it. Cloning a hard drive is a time-consuming process and one we seldom recommend (it's highly overrated and copies the errors from your current drive to clone). If you have a serious problem with Windows 11 24H2 you have 10 days to rollback the update and that's very easy to do. The catch is - you have to do it within 10 days or the option to go back to the previous version disappears and you can no longer go back.

If you want to backup your computer, just back up your user folders (Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Desktop, etc. -- everything in the C:\Users\Your Username directory. You can always reinstall your favorite programs if necessary.
Hope this helps, Janis.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Judy wants to get rid of annoying OneDrive popups
I wonder if you can help me. I keep getting a message on my screen popping up that says I'm over my limit of OneDrive storage space and implores me to buy more space. Firstly I'm not sure I need more space as the things that are important to me are already backed up "in the cloud", also through Amazon Prime and on an external hard drive. Secondly, I am sick of seeing this message pop up every time I'm on my computer. Is there a way to tell them I don't want more storage? Or to stop the pop-up? Thanks for all you do to help us seniors! 

Our answer
Hi Judy. Thanks so much for your kind words.

We highly recommend OneDrive over any other cloud backup because its tightly integrated with Windows. With OneDrive, if you get a new computer, all you have to do is sign into your OneDrive (Microsoft account) and all  your personal files and folders (Documents, Pictures, Desktop, Music, Favorites, Videos, etc.) automatically appear on your new computer. Additionally if you have two computers, your files are synchronized on both.
OneDrive gives you 5 GB of space free which is not enough, in most cases, to back up all your personal files and folders. We both have MS365 which not only includes all the current Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) but also one terabyte (1000 GB) of OneDrive cloud backup space, which is plenty of space for most people to keep backups of all their irreplaceable personal files. You can get MS365 which includes all the MS Office programs plus 1 TB or OneDrive space for as little as $99.99 a year or $9.99 a month (see this page).
However, if you are sure you don't want OneDrive at all, you can uninstall it by going to Settings > Apps >Apps & Features (Windows 10), locating Microsoft One Drive, and clicking the 3 dots to its right. A menu will appear showing Modify / Uninstall. Click on "Uninstall" to remove OneDrive from your PC. It will not remove any files from your computer it will just delete the files stored in the cloud.
If you're using Windows 11 you can uninstall OneDrive by going to Settings > Apps > Installed apps, locating Microsoft One Drive, and clicking the 3 dots to its right. A menu will appear showing Modify / Uninstall. Click on "Uninstall" to remove OneDrive from your PC.
After you uninstall OneDrive you won't get any more  OneDrive popups urging you to buy more space.
Hope this helps you make a good decision, Judy.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sharon wants to get rid of Copilot-
Hi. Here is something this time you can help me with:  How in tarnation $%&^$% do I get rid of COPILOT?

Our answer
Hi Sharon. Assuming you don't have a Copilot PC, you can remove Copilot this way:

Open Settings (Window key + i )
Then click on Apps > Installed apps and find Copilot. Click on the 3 dots on the far right. You'll see "Uninstall" appear. Click on "Uninstall" to remove Copilot. See the screenshot below:
I hope this helps you, Sharon.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Reg Organizer: Cloudeight recommended and endorsed.

Now available: Reg Organizer 9.40

If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 9.31. Works great with Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Save $14 on Reg Organizer right now!

Reg Organizer - A Swiss Army Knife of Windows Tools - Works Great on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks

Talk more, Type Less: How to Use Windows Dictation
Windows 10  / Windows 11

Voice recognition has come a long way. While still not 100% accurate, it’s reliable enough that you can use it to dictate recipes, emails, reminders, notes, essays, short stories, journals, and even angry letters to the editor!

To use the new and improved dictation feature in Windows 10 and Windows 11, press and hold down the Windows Key and tap the H key. Place your cursor in (almost) any text field and start talking. It works with many apps including MS Word, Notepad, WordPad, Gmail, Outlook,, etc.

Using Windows 10 Dictation

Use the Windows key shortcut Windows key + H to begin.  Click the “microphone” icon in the dictation bar.

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

When it’s done initializing, you’ll see “Listening” and then you can start talking. Here’s an example of Windows 10 Dictation being used with Notepad.

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

As you can see above Windows 10 Dictation is “Listening…” and you can see what I’ve dictated so far.  You can add punctuation by saying comma, period, semi-colon, exclamation point, etc.  And if you want a new line, say, “new line”. If you want a new paragraph, say “new paragraph”. You get the idea. The more you use Windows Dictation, the better it gets at understanding your voice.

When you’re done dictating just say “Stop dictating”.

Using Microsoft Speech Services (dictation) in Windows 11

Dictation gets even better, more accurate, and more fluid in Windows 11. It even gets a new name, “Microsoft Speech Services”.

Windows 11 Speech Services - Dictation with a fancier name. Cloudeight InfoAve

But it works the same way it works in Windows 10.  Open Windows Speech Services in Windows 11 by using the Windows key + H shortcut.

We recommend that you click on the settings icon and turn on “Voice typing launcher”, and “Automatic punctuation” and select and adjust your microphone – and make sure your microphone volume is set at 80% or higher – you don’t want to have to yell, right?

Windows 11 Speech Services Settings - Cloudeight InfoAve

Here’s Windows Speech Services opening in Windows 11. To begin voice typing, click the microphone icon, or as Microsoft puts it the “mic button”.

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

I put Windows Speech Services in Windows 11 through a difficult test using a poem by A.E. Housman. I’ll give Windows Speech Service an A-minus, it only made one major mistake… where it should have been “rose lipt maids” Windows Speech Services typed “rows left”. But “rose lipt” isn’t a common expression and I don’t want to be too critical because Windows Speech Services worked well. Even the spell-checker I’m using to write this doesn’t like the word “lipt”.

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

And, like Windows 10’s Dictation feature, you can use Windows 11 Microsoft Voice Services to type reminders, notes, recipes, journals, essays, stories, lists, emails, and more.

Here’s an email I wrote using Microsoft Speech Services…

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

Unfortunately (and predictably) Darcy ignored my email, and I didn’t get my raise. But I can’t blame that on poor dictation by Microsoft Speech Services!

When you first start using Microsoft Speech Services in Windows 11, it will ask if you want to contribute your voice clips to improve Speech Services. You can choose “Yes” to contribute your voice clips – or “No” if you don’t want to contribute. If you choose to contribute they won’t be linked to you, your computer, or your IP address – they’ll be anonymously added to the database of voice clips that will help make Windows speech services (dictation) even better. And the better it gets, the more talking and less typing you’ll do.

Windows 10 Tips by Cloudeight - Dictation in Windows 10

Save time. Talk instead of type. Windows dictation (Speech services) is better than ever and can save you a lot of time… whether you’re using Windows 10 or Windows 11. All you have to do is take the time to learn to use it.  Once you do, you might find you’re a faster talker than a type!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Google Warns 2.5 Billion Users of Sophisticated AI Attack
Everyone who uses Gmail

A new Forbes report warns of a growing threat to Gmail’s 2.5 billion users: AI-powered phishing attacks. As AI voice technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, cybercriminals are leveraging it to create highly convincing scams. The report details how attackers are making phone calls while impersonating Google support, even spoofing caller ID to appear legitimate.

These “support agents” often claim the user’s account has been compromised or needs recovery. To reinforce the deception, they then send an email to the victim’s Gmail account from a seemingly authentic Google address, often including a fake recovery code. This multi-pronged approach, combining realistic phone calls and emails, poses a significant risk to Gmail users.

We hope you will all read the entire Forbes article Be prepared, not scared. We want to keep you safe!

Please read the original Forbes article here. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Windows Key + K and Cast Away!
Windows 10 / Windows 11 and compatible Smart TV or Streaming device

Windows Key + K and Cast Away is an easy way to remember the Windows key shortcut that lets you cast your Windows PC to your TV. When you see the word “Cast” think “Broadcast”.

Let’s talk more about casting what’s on your TV’s screen to your TV.

Most modern Windows laptops and desktops support wireless casting, and most smart TVs have built-in support for screen mirroring or casting. If your TV is older, you might need a device like a Chromecast, Roku, Amazon Firestick, or other streaming device that plugs into your TV’s HDMI port. Also, both your PC and TV need to be on the same Wi-Fi network.

How it works:

Windows uses a technology called Miracast to wirelessly transmit your PC screen to the TV. Think of it as a wireless HDMI cable.  

Here’s how to cast your PC’s screen to your TV

Turn on your TV and ensure it’s set to the input where your casting device (such as a Roku player, if you’re using one) is connected. If your TV has built-in casting, make sure that feature is enabled. 

Use the Windows key shortcut “Windows Key + K” to open the “Connect” quick action menu. (see the screenshot below):

Windows Key + K and Cast Away .. Cloudeight InfoAve

Windows will scan for nearby devices that you can cast to. Select your TV or streaming device from the list. As you can see in the screenshot above that I have 2 TVs with Roku devices connected as well as one “smart TV”.

There are other optional settings such as”Duplicate” (mirror your screen) or “Extend” (use the TV as a second monitor). that you can access by clicking More cast settings” on the “Cast” settings menu.

If you have a compatible TV or an older TV with a compatible streaming device connected, your PC screen should now be displayed on your TV.

We think you’ll find casting your computer’s screen to your TV comes in handy for many things. And now you know how to cast away!

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So if you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us by making a donation right now.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks 

Animated GIFs Made Easy with Sceen2Gif

Sceen2Gif is a free program for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that can record your screen and webcam and save whatever you record as an animated gif. It also comes with a sketch board that you can use to create animated drawings and more.

You can record whatever is on your screen,  edit your creations, and then export them as animated gifs. You can also create your own original animated gifs using the sketch board.

Screen2Gif is 100% free. It’s 100% free from malware and tricks too. It is very easy to use and has many advanced features that experienced users will love. Yet Screen2Gif is so easy to use that beginners will be able to start using it right away.

Here are just a few of the many features of Screen2Gif:

Add captions, text, drawings, or shapes
Add keystrokes and mouse clicks
Add borders, and shadows and obfuscate (pixelate)
Add watermarks using your own images
Undo, redo, or reset your edits
Copy, cut, and paste frames
Select multiple frames or browse to a specific frame
Preview the playback of the animation
Capture the mouse cursor and mouse clicks
Remove duplicates
Reduce framerate
Delete all previous or all next frames
Import frames
Resize, crop, or flip/rotate
… and many, many more

The Screen2Gif website has an excellent help section showing how to use all the features of the program. You’ll find guides and screenshots to help you get the most out of the program.

The ways you can use Screen2Gif are limited only by your imagination. You can use it for presentations, show people how to do computer-related tasks, use it to make interesting content for your social media posts, and more.

Cloudeight freeware pick

Cloudeight freeware pick

Screen2Gif is completely free and works on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Yes, we tested it on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. You can download it with an installer or as a portable version. Both the installer and the portable version are clean and free from tricks, PUPs, and malware.

Read more about and/or download Screen2Gif here.

Look Out Below!

I had some fun trying out Screen2Gif.

Cloudeight freeware pick

Above: After downloading the portable version and extracting the zip file, I created shortcuts on my Start menu and the taskbar.

Below: I use my artistic ability to show you my portrait of EB. While I’m not an artist, I did get the eyes and hair right!

Cloudeight freeware pick

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We can fix your computer while you watch. You never have to leave your home. Just sit back, relax, and watch us work. Get PC service from folks you trust at the best prices you'll find anywhere.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Essays , Rants, etc.

Announcing My 2025 Anti-Super Bowl Party – Watch “Leave It to Beaver” With Me!

For one brief but ugly moment last week, I deserted the cynic inside me. I left the comfort of cynicism intoxicated by the sweet poison of hope. Don’t worry. I’m back in full vigor now. No more rose-colored glasses for me. There is comfort in cynicism. I have my blankie back. I am my old cynical self again.

This Sunday is “Super Bowl Sunday”. I noticed that restaurants and some stores in my little town are closing early because of it. I find it odd that Bob Evans restaurant, which closed at 8:00 PM on Christmas Eve, is closing at 7:00 PM on Super Bowl Sunday. The sign on the door says “We will be closing at 7:00 PM on Sunday, February 9, 2025, for the Super Bowl.”

The only store in town where I can buy old-fashioned newspapers has a sign on its door too. The sign reads: “We will be closing at 7:00 PM on Sunday, February 9, 2025, for the Super Bowl.” That same store closed at 10:00 PM on Christmas Eve. You gotta love this.

The world’s going crazy, we’re turning into a plutocracy, and what? Me Worry? Nope. Nothing is more important than the Super Bowl, which after all is said and done is just another football game. You have no idea how great it is to be a cavalier American! You have to admire America’s ability to shrug and slough stuff off and carry on — it must be leftover from our days as members of the British Empire — you know keep a stiff upper lip…and that sort of thing...

Read the rest of this rant here. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Back to Basics

What is juice jacking?

Juice jacking is a type of cyberattack in which an attacker infects a USB charging port or cable with malware. When a victim plugs their device into the infected port or cable, the malware can be transferred to their device, giving the attacker access to their personal data or even control of their device.

Juice jacking can occur at public places such as airports, coffee shops, and libraries, where people are likely to be looking for a place to charge their devices.

Here are some things you can do to protect yourself from juice jacking:

>> Be aware of your surroundings when charging your device in a public place.

>> Don't leave your device unattended while it is charging.

>> If you see a USB charging port or cable that looks suspicious, don't use it.

>> Consider using a USB data blocker to prevent your device from transferring data over a USB cable.

>> Avoid charging your devices at public USB charging ports.

>> If you must charge your device at a public USB charging port, use your own cable and avoid connecting your device to a computer.

>> Keep your device's software up to date.

>> Use a portable charger or a power bank to charge your device.

>> As always... be extremely careful about clicking on links or opening attachments from unknown senders.

>> If you think you may have been the victim of juice jacking, immediately disconnect your device from the charging port or cable. Scan your device for malware and change all of your passwords.

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Cloudeight Direct Computer Care: Single Keys, SeniorPass, or Season Tickets - always a great deal. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care is like having PC insurance. Get more information here.

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Reg Organizer: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner... it's a Windows all-in-one toolkit. Reg Organizer helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps you solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10 and Windows 11! Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here.


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We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly. Thanks so much for your support and for being an InfoAve Weekly subscriber.

Have a great weekend.. be safe!

Darcy & TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly - Issue #1113
Volume 22 Number16
February 7, 2025 

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