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Revisiting Reimage
Windows XP

We've received dozens of comments about Reimage like this one from Connie A.

"I just read your article on reimage repair. I was having computer issues and decided to try reimage.  It went well but when it rebooted registry mechanic came up with a whole lot of errors.  Not knowing weather I should have it repair the errors after just using reimage or not I contacted reimage.  They responded quickly and explained that it was ok for mechanic to repair these errors as it was for different issues. I let it repair and then rebooted and my problems seem to be fixed.  Thank you for telling us about this program.  It saved a lot of hassle and expense.  And reimage was very affordable. I have most of your programs and try the ones you tell us about and so far have been very happy with the results.  It is nice to have someone else test these programs for us.  Again thanks so much for all you do." Connie A.

We thought we'd go back and take another look at Reimage. Why? Because there are many of you who plan on sticking with Windows XP - and we agree with you. Why not? Windows XP is still a fine operating system. And, since Microsoft is supporting it well into 2014, you've got 4 more years of security fixes and updates coming from Microsoft. By 2014, of course, Windows 7 will have been replaced by Windows 8 or whatever Microsoft decides to call its next version of Windows. So XP users will have skipped Windows Vista ($100) and Windows 7 ($120) all together and really won't have missed much as far a functionality is concerned. If XP does what you want it to do and does it well, why plunk down $120 for Windows 7 - or worse, $500 - $1200 for a new computer?

But as your computer ages and Windows XP ages, you are going to find that the once spry XP isn't exactly purring along. You'll have problems along the way. If these problems become big problems or annoying problems and get to the point where using your computer isn't pleasant anymore, you're going to have only a few choices: You can buy a new computer, you can upgrade to Windows 7 (if your computer will support it) or you can have your computer repaired. Many of you will find yourself looking for a repair service. It's not cheap. If you choose Geek Squad, plan on $200 - $300 for repair services.

Before you give in and take your XP computer to Best Buy or someplace else for repair, consider giving Reimage a try. You can buy 3 repairs for $79.95 and use them on any of your computers. Or you can buy a one-time repair for $47.95. And Reimage is guaranteed to work for you - or you get your money back. There is no reason to spend hundreds of dollars to fix up an older Windows XP computer - think about it. You can buy a decent new computer for less than $500 - why pay Best Buy or other repair services $200 - $300? If your Windows XP computer is running poorly and it is to the point where it is not pleasant to use anymore - then you should give Reimage a try.

What Reimage will do:

Reimage detects missing system files on the PC. The specific component is accessed from the web repository, and installed later.

Once you initiate the analysis process, you can watch system information displayed on the screen. Reimage aggregates the most meaningful hardware parameters, such as system temperature and memory chips, in deep data.

As Reimage monitors the system elements, it notes any abnormalities or anything missing, and remembers to normalize objects that need to fit the current system configuration. One simple example of abnormality: a fresh system element may require tweaking if ReImage realizes that a Windows system is installed on drive D instead of on the default C drive.

Reimage conducts an overall integrity check of PC-installed device drivers to ensure that all installed drivers function well.

Based on the earlier analysis, Reimage accesses fresh registry keys, files and device drivers from the web repository.

Download begins, and Reimage correctly places the fresh items on the repaired PC.

Reboot and fix it.

What Reimage will not do:

Reimage won't repair old, outdated hardware. Reimage won't repair a hard drive that is about to fail due to mechanical problem. Reimage won't bring a dead graphics card back to life (you'll need to get a new one). Reimage doesn't fix hardware issues other than hardware drivers.

Reimage is not a magician. It cant replace broken network cards, mechanically failing hard drives, or other hardware that is failing. But neither will Best Buy's repair service. Yes they can install new graphic cards, hard drives, and other hardware - but that's not included in their repair pricing. Those are extra. And most of those things you can do yourself.

Over 90% of the folks who've used Reimage on our recommendation have been satisfied or more than satisfied. And, honestly 10% were not. No software program will work for 100% of the people 100% of the time. It's not possible. But, Reimage works for the vast majority of people - and it probably will work for you too. You've got nothing to lose. Reimage charges a price far lower than Best Buy's repair $299 price for doing essentially the same thing:

Reimage is not a replacement for, nor is it intended to replace your anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, Registry Mechanic or anything else that helps you maintain and protect your computer. It does not replace nor is it intended to replace your security or maintenance software.

Remember --- Reimage offers a "Free Scan". We are not fond of this approach to selling software, but many use it. The scan is free and it may find problems with your PC, but they may be minor and not causing you any problems at all. In fact, almost every PC has some problems - but continues to work fairly well. If you're not having major problems with your computer - don't run the free scan. It may cause you to purchase a service you really don't need. If you are having problems with your XP computer - BSODs Blue Screens of Death), error messages all the time, programs that don't run properly, extremely slow startup and shutdown times, programs that take forever to start - i.e. major problems then by all means run the free scan. Remember, the free scan may find errors, some of these error might be minor, some might be major - regardless - in order to repair any errors found and to fix your computer, you will need to purchase a Reimage key.


As an affiliate of Reimage, we will receive a commission if you buy Reimage via the links in this article. We have tested Reimage twice now - on older XP computers - and based on our own experiences with it, we are convinced that Reimage could help many of you by repairing your Windows XP systems. Regardless of whether you use the link below and purchase a one use or three-use Reimage license, or visit their site directly (and we'll earn no commission) - Reimage is a excellent choice to consider if your Windows XP system is in need of repair.

And finally...

Don't throw good money after bad. If your computer is in such poor shape that Reimage can't fix it, don't call Geek Squad or some other repair service, put the $300 you will save toward a new computer.

Reimage isn't meant for minor problems or small annoyances. But if your computer is running very poorly or you're having major problems with it, give Reimage a try first. We think that you'll be glad you did.

Also...Web Of Trust (WOT) says Reimage has a "poor" reputation. Well, we don't think much of WOT's methodology, we think they have a poor way of rating sites and it sure appears to us that they use at least one very unreliable source for information. You can either trust us or WOT. It's your choice. We hope you trust us.

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