Direct Computer Care Repair Keys - Buy One Get One Free
This weekend,
you can buy one Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Repair
Key at the regular price or $50 - and we'll give you one free. You
can give the second key to mom or anyone you like - or keep it for
yourself. This is the lowest price we've ever offered on our Cloudeight
Direct Computer Care Service. Don't miss out. Cloudeight Direct Computer
Care Repair Keys never expire - they are good until you use them! Offer
valid through
Monday May 15, 2017 only.
Get more
information and/or take advantage of this special offer by visiting this
~ OR ~
Buy a Cloudeight Direct Computer
Care Season Ticket on Sale...
And we'll give you a Cloudeight Direct
Computer Repair Key FREE!
For a limited time,
when you buy a Cloudeight Direct Season Ticket
at $20 off regular price, we'll give you a Cloudeight Direct
Computer Care Single Repair Key - FREE. You can give the free
repair to your mom or anyone you like. Our Cloudeight Season Ticket
is good for unlimited computer repairs for one full year from the
date you first use it. It's like having insurance for your computer.
And during this sale, when you buy a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care
Season Ticket at $20 off regular price, we'll give you a single
repair ticket you can give to mom, a friend or anyone you like.
Offer valid through Monday May 15, 2017 only.
Get more
information and/or take advantage of this special offer by visiting this

Here are
some important links for you: Here are
some important links for you:

A comment from Marjie
I get so busy with so many things to do on the computer and forget about
the little tricks and tips, so I'm glad you plop hints right in my mailbox
every day. You perform a very valuable service for all!
A comment from Regina
Thanks a million to TC! He was very patient with an old lady and did not
let me go until we decided to buy a new computer, the old one just died.
He actually picked one out for me down to the last dollar! He helped me to
set it up just the way I wanted. I said I will name my computer after him,
but now I cannot find where the link is for that! But hugs for TC! Regina.
A comment from Dennis
Again you have proven your worth. TC set up my backup for my Windows 10
using built in apps. Was amazing to watch you in action. I have been a
subscriber for many years. Never in all that time have you steered us
wrong. Thank you so much. Please to all your subscribers - please help to
keep this going by becoming a booster as I have done. God Bless.
A comment from Doris
Thanks Darcy for your patience working to set up a new e-mail for me. Love
to watch your fingers fly over the screen. Sorry for all the problems I
made for you Thanks again for helping on 2 different day. Cloud eight is a
god send Don't know what I would do with out you two.
A comment from Carol
... My friend (Sandy), called me this morning and said "WOW - Cloudeight
just installed my Emsisoft; went above and beyond and I am so impressed! I
am so amazed--they spent 2 hours with me!" She sang your praises for
quite a while. Thank you (whoever worked on her computer)--I appreciate
all you do. She is going to take your advise about upgrading. Looking
forward to my session with you.
Thanks so much to Marjie, Regina, Dennis, Doris, Carol and everyone
who wrote to us last week. And thanks all those who used our Cloudeight Direct
Computer Care services and our new
Cloudeight Direct Backup
Service. And a thank you also, to all who shared our site with your friends. TC & EB

Direct Computer Care Repair Keys - Buy One Get One Free
This weekend,
you can buy one Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Repair
Key at the regular price or $50 - and we'll give you one free. You
can give the second key to mom or anyone you like - or keep it for
yourself. This is the lowest price we've ever offered on our Cloudeight
Direct Computer Care Service. Don't miss out. Cloudeight Direct Computer
Care Repair Keys never expire - they are good until you use them! Offer
valid through
Monday May 15, 2017 only.
Get more
information and/or take advantage of this special offer by visiting this
~ OR ~
Buy a Cloudeight Direct Computer
Care Season Ticket on Sale...
And we'll give you a Cloudeight Direct
Computer Repair Key FREE!
For a limited time,
when you buy a Cloudeight Direct Season Ticket
at $20 off regular price, we'll give you a Cloudeight Direct
Computer Care Single Repair Key - FREE. You can give the free
repair to your mom or anyone you like. Our Cloudeight Season Ticket
is good for unlimited computer repairs for one full year from the
date you first use it. It's like having insurance for your computer.
And during this sale, when you buy a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care
Season Ticket at $20 off regular price, we'll give you a single
repair ticket you can give to mom, a friend or anyone you like.
Offer valid through Monday May 15, 2017 only.
Get more
information and/or take advantage of this special offer by visiting this

Linda wants to know if choosing an
antivirus is just a matter of personal preference
I have a question regarding the best anti virus programs to us, including
also Malware programs. I'm currently using McAfee along with Malware Bytes
and Super Anti Spyware. I'd like to know the difference between McAfee
Anti virus and your anti virus (Emsisoft). I know it's probably a matter of
taste, isn't it? But I want the best one out there for my computer. I
appreciate your advice and comments. Linda K.
Our answer
Hi Linda. Choosing a browser is a matter of personal taste, but choosing
an antivirus is not. It is a matter of choosing what protects you best.
We spent a lot of time testing antivirus/antimalware before selecting
Emsisoft as our choice and
our recommended security software. We also stay current with the latest
independent antivirus testing labs - and we're convinced that Emsisoft
offers the best overall protection. Emsisoft is always near the top - or
at the top - of antivirus test results. Additionally, Emsisoft is also a
top-of-the-line anti-malware, anti-adware, anti-hijacker, and it also
protects you against PUPs and most forms of ransomware.
Because Emsisoft is such a complete solution, you do not need any other
security programs such as the ones you list.
We hope this helps you with your antivirus program choice.

Gene doesn't want to use a password to
log in to Windows 10
I tried to disable the password needed to start windows 10. I now have 2
accounts, one has a pin password and the 2nd one has a password that must
be used. Is there a way to disable all passwords needed to start windows
Our answer
Hi Gene. You cannot disable the password/PIN log in requirement if you're
using a Microsoft account (@hotmail.com, @outlook.com, @live.ca,
@live.com, @msn.com). You can disable passwords only in local user
accounts. A local user account is the type of account you used on Windows
XP and Windows 7.
When you log in with a Microsoft Account you'll have a lot of features
that are not available if you're using a local account, but that does not
mean you have to use a Microsoft account to use your PC. If you don’t use
or care about Windows Store apps, or if you have one PC and don’t need
access to your data from anywhere else but your home, a local account
might work fine for you. A local account will still let you access you PC
and most of the features of Windows 10. If you’re interested in the some
of the new features that are part of Windows 10, you will probably want to
keep your Microsoft account(s) so you can take advantage of them.
If you choose to keep using a Microsoft account or accounts, you'll need
to use a password, PIN, or Picture password to log in.
You can create a new "local" account in Settings > Accounts >"Sign in with
a local account instead."

Hope this helps you, Gene.

Martha wants to know if hackers can watch you with your own Web
I've read that web cams can be activated by hackers. This sounds like a
hoax to me. Could hackers somehow turn on my web cam and watch me and see
things in my house? Is this is true--or just another viral
internet hoax. What do you say?
Our answer
Hi Martha. Not only is it true that web cams can be activated remotely,
it's happened many times and even some famous people have had their
privacy invaded. One young lady filed charges against the man who
activated her web cam on her laptop in her bedroom. There are several ways
this can happen, but normally it usually happens by the victim being
tricked into clicking a link in an email and downloading spyware/malware
on the computer giving the attacker control over the computer's web cam.
It can be activated without the users knowledge. Sometimes the cam can be
activated without the "web cam active" light being lighted.
It's not likely to happen if a user has good antivirus / antimalware
installed. However no software is 100% foolproof. We've written
articles about this before and we recommend putting a tiny piece of
electrician's tape (opaque) over the camera lens. If you're concerned
about the tape's sticky substance harming your lens you can put small
piece of paper between the tape and the lens.
This is not something that happens very often. But it's important to know
it's not a hoax, it probably happens more than we like to think. And
remember to always make sure you're protected
Covering the lens is a good option, but having a good
antimalware/antivirus like
Emsisoft installed is essential. Someone spying on by you using your
own web cam is possible, but not very likely. It just makes good sense to
understand the risks and always use the best safe computing practices.

Geraldine wants to know how to uninstall Windows 10 Creators
Wasn't sure where to send my question. Would you tell me how to uninstall
Windows creator update? It doesn't allow my Print Shop vs. 22 or 23.1 to
work or reinstall. Do I need to have you do this? I do have a repair key.
Thank you, Geraldine
Our answer
Hi Geraldine. No, you can do this yourself -- it's easy to do, but you can
only do it for a limited time. You can uninstall Creators Update and go
back to the previous version of Windows as long as you do it within 10
days of installing Windows 10 Creators update. If you wait too long you
won't have the option to uninstall the Creators Update. So, here's what
you need to do, as soon as possible:
Open Settings and go to Update & security. Next, click on "Recovery" (it's
on the left side). In Recovery, if see an option to "Go back to the
previous version of Windows 10" click the "Get started" button under it.
Windows will ask you a few questions (which you don't have to answer) and
Windows 10 Creators Update will be removed and Windows will roll back to
the previous version of Windows 10.

If you don't see "Go back to the previous version of Windows" at all, or
you see it, but it says "This option is no longer available because your
computer was upgraded more than 10 days ago" then you can't uninstall
(rollback) Windows 10 Creators Update.
So, if you have not waited too long, rolling back to the previous version
of Windows is pretty easy. But there's no guarantee. Most of the time
everything goes smoothly, but every PC is different.

Gay gets a Chrome "Critical Update" download warning on her screen
Hello. I was just on my computer, when it flashed across that I needed to
download now, a critical update for Chrome. I have never seen this before,
since you installed chrome for me, do i do this critical update, whenever
it decides to flash on my screen again?
Our answer
Hi Gay. We are not aware of Chrome ever flashing any warnings about
updates at all. We would advise you to be skeptical and cautious. The safe
way to update Chrome is by clicking on the "Settings" icon in the top
right corner. Then click "About" > "Google Chrome". See the screenshot

As soon as the "About" dialog opens, Chrome will instantly and
automatically check for updates.

If Chrome finds that there is an update
available, it will automatically download it. All you have to do is restart Chrome to install the update(s).
To do that, just click the "Relaunch" button in the "About" dialog
(see below):

Your question is an
excellent one, Gay. There's no telling what that was flashing across your screen,
you were wise not to click on it. There's a safe way to check for updates
and install updates for Chrome. And that's by following the simple steps

One Year Emsisoft
License With FREE Installation & Set-up
Some of you still aren't using Emsisoft... so
we're making you an offer you can't refuse! If you're not yet using
Emsisoft, here's your chance to get the best protection you can buy and
we'll install it and set it up for you FREE.
See this page for
all the details.
Help us by making a small donation
Don't need any of the products or services we
offer right now? Please consider making a small donation. We would
appreciate it very much!
Visit this page if you
would like to help us with a small donation.
Thank you!

To Find Out What's Slowing Down Chrome - Use Chrome's Task
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (all versions) + Chrome browser
Since each open tab runs it its own sandbox to enhance Chrome's
stability. It's hard to see how much RAM and CPU resources each open
tab and installed extension is using. If you open Windows Task
Manager, you will see multiple instances of Google Chrome running, but
it doesn't tell you what they are.
Luckily, this simple tip will show you how to use Chrome's built-in
task manager to show you how much memory and CPU resources each open
tab and installed extension is using. Here's how to access Chrome's
built-in task manager. First make sure Chrome is open and in focus (on
top of other windows). Now press SHIFT+ESC. You'll see Chrome's task
manager open. It will show you how much RAM and CPU resources each
open tab and installed extension is using. And all are clearly
If one of the tabs or extensions seems to be hogging an excessive
amount of resources, you can terminate the process (tab or extension)
easily. Just highlight the tab or extension you want to terminate by
clicking on it, then click the "End process" button at the bottom of
the Chrome task manager.

Scanguard Getting Scammier?
For All Windows Users
Several of our Cloudeight subscribers recently wrote about
Scanguard - asking if it was legit and better than other antivirus and
one-click fixes. Well, it seems Scanguard has found new ways in its
attempts to legitimize itself, including, some suspect, of owning or
controlling a web site called TheTopTenAntivirus.com. It supposedly an
antivirus testing site, but just like its suspected owner, in reeks
with the stench of scam.
Hmmm... there's no end to the chicanery, is there? The more people who
are lured by Scanguard the more money they have to advertise, buy
domains, and persuade other unsuspecting trusting souls into jumping
into the Scanguard scum pond.
It is our opinion that Scanguard is a scam. Others have followed this
rabbit down the hole and found alleged seamy links between Scanguard
and sites like TheTop10AntiVirus. These so-called antivirus rating
sites, are not legitimately rating antivirus programs by
effectiveness, but appear to be rating them by how much they pay to be
rated - or worse - may actually be owned by some of the companies who
make the programs they rate. At best this is a serious conflict of
interest and it misleads anyone who is not familiar with legitimate
antivirus rating sites and protocols, which would be a majority of
those who casually browse the Internet.
These kinds of
sites, some possibly owned by cyber criminals and/or scammers, who are
trying to entice you to buy Scanguard and its "cousins"...

Windows 10 Night Light
Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703)
Many of you are familiar with the freeware program f.lux. It’s a
program that changes your PC screen at night so it displays whatever
you’re viewing in warmer colors. Some brainy scientists somewhere decided
that harsh blue light from PC screens can keep you from falling asleep at
night, but warmer colors (oranges, yellows and reds) can help you fall
sleep. I am not sure about this, but I’m not a brainy scientist.
Anyway, Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) has a feature like
f.lux (although f.lux is much more robust) and all you have to do is turn
it on.
Let’s turn it on now, OK?
Go to Settings > System > Display
In Display, beneath the brightness slider, you’ll see “Night light”.
First, you will need to turn the on/off switch to “On”.

Then click on “Night light settings”:

As you can see in the screenshot above, you can adjust the “warmness”
of your screen colors for night time viewing.
Next you’ll want to schedule the hours the screen will display warmer
colors. I don’t have my location turned on in Windows 10, but if you do
(or if you want Windows to know your location, you can click Location
settings) Windows will automatically warm your screen colors at sunset in
your location and turn off Night light at sunrise in your location. If you
don’t want to let Windows to use your location, you can manually set the
hours you want your screen to display warmer colors for night time. Just
tick the circle next to Set hours, and set the hours you want Night light
to turn on and off, see?

I have my “Night light” set to turn on at 9:00 PM and turn off at 7:00
I am not sure how well looking at warmer screen colors at night helps
me sleep, at my age I can barely stay awake past 10 PM 🙂
But, at least now you know about the “Night light” feature in Windows
10 Creators Update (version 1703). I’m pretty sure you’ll want to play
around with.
And, if you fall asleep faster, after turning Night light on, let us

Color Your World – Custom Colors on
Windows 10 Creators Update
Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703)
In previous versions of Windows 10, you could let
Windows choose a color from the background on your desktop, or pick one of
a few dozen preset colors. In Creators Update, you have the option of
creating your own custom colors using a simple color mixer.
Get started by going to Settings >
Personalization > Colors

Direct Computer Care Repair Keys - Buy One Get One Free
This weekend,
you can buy one Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Repair
Key at the regular price or $50 - and we'll give you one free. You
can give the second key to mom or anyone you like - or keep it for
yourself. This is the lowest price we've ever offered on our Cloudeight
Direct Computer Care Service. Don't miss out. Cloudeight Direct Computer
Care Repair Keys never expire - they are good until you use them! Offer
valid through
Monday May 15, 2017 only.
Get more
information and/or take advantage of this special offer by visiting this
~ OR ~
Buy a Cloudeight Direct Computer
Care Season Ticket on Sale...
And we'll give you a Cloudeight Direct
Computer Repair Key FREE!
For a limited time,
when you buy a Cloudeight Direct Season Ticket
at $20 off regular price, we'll give you a Cloudeight Direct
Computer Care Single Repair Key - FREE. You can give the free
repair to your mom or anyone you like. Our Cloudeight Season Ticket
is good for unlimited computer repairs for one full year from the
date you first use it. It's like having insurance for your computer.
And during this sale, when you buy a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care
Season Ticket at $20 off regular price, we'll give you a single
repair ticket you can give to mom, a friend or anyone you like.
Offer valid through Monday May 15, 2017 only.
Get more
information and/or take advantage of this special offer by visiting this

No Time to Waste
One of life’s great blessings is that not one of us knows the exact day
we will die. Well, at least I think so. I could not imagine being a
teenager and knowing how many years I would live or the date of my
death. That would take away the fun and great advantage of being young;
the perception of being immortal. We have all experienced that.
None of us knows when our own dying day will be, and that’s a good
thing, I think. You may disagree.
Being young is for looking down the road that never ends. When you’re
young you can’t even see around the next bend let alone the end of the
road. You certainly don’t know where and when that road will end – but
then no matter how old you are – you don’t know when or where it will
You just know the end of the road is...

A Site for all Seasons and Seasonings
One day, last summer, I was looking at EB's garden, and being a naive
fellow from Ohio, I was about to pluck a flower from one of the
plants, when I looked down and saw that my little finger was being
eaten by a plant. EB just laughed. It was her heirloom Venus fly trap
- the Wild Borneo variety - nibbling the end of my little finger. It
wouldn't let go. I nearly lost my whole hand. If you go to visit EB,
and I don't know why you would, stay away from her garden.
Yes, you're right. It's not quite summer yet here in our neck o' the
woods. It's been a really chilly month of May so far, but both of us
are itching to plant flowers and vegetables. But here in the Midwest
we have to wait another week or so, or risk having our tender plants
killed by a late spring frost. Oh yes, we have been down that road
many times before - the older we get, the more inclined we are to keep
our britches on and wait until we're sure it's safe. I am anxious to
plant my tomatoes and EB her fly traps and you? You plant whatever you
like. Yes, we're fast approaching the summer solstice, the day when
crazy people, in funny hats, drink and dance around a fire and hoot at
the moon! No? Oh yeah, that's the winter solstice, isn't it?
So, on this chilly, rainy, almost mid-May day, we're thinking of
gardening. I can almost hear EB's Venus Fly Traps munching on those
Michigan cockroaches right now.
Slurp, slurp. Chomp, chomp. That's not the fly traps - that's EB
eating lunch!
Seriously... whether you like to eat, or like to cook, or like to

Donations help us continue our mission to keep you informed, separate
the truth from the hyperbole, and help you stay safer online. We provide
support to thousands of people. Every week we help dozens of people via
email at no charge. Thanks to donations, we do a lot more than provide
this free newsletter. We help you recognize online threats, fight for
your online privacy, and provide you with the knowledge you need to
navigate the Web safely, and help you get more out of your PC.
Help us keep up the good
fight with a small donation.
After you donate, you will receive an invitation to become a
Cloudeight Booster.
Help us keep up
the good fight with a small donation.
Why do I have Program Files and Program Files(X86)?
In Windows 64-bit
operating systems, there are two program file directories:
Program Files
Program Files(X86)
Programs that install to Program Files, by default are 64-bit
programs; programs which install to Program Files(X86) are, by
default, 32-bit programs.
As a general rule, everything you see installed to Program Files
is 64-bit software. All programs you find installed in the Program
Files(X86) directory, are 32-bit programs. Windows 64-bit
operating systems have 32-bit emulation, called WOW64. This
emulator allows Windows 64-bit operating systems to run most
32-bit software without a problem.
If you don't have a two programs files directories, you're using
32-bit Windows.
So, now you know why you have two program files directories.

Reg Organizer - A Swiss Army
Knife of Windows Tools - Works Great on Windows 10!

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Subscribers' Home Page You'll find the last few weeks of
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suggestions for this newsletter, not for product support, stationery
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- Submit
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- it's short and sweet - and free. Sign-up
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- Have a question about a Cloudeight Software program,
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us know!
- If you need help with one of our software programs, have a
question about an order, or have a question about any of our email
stationery, screen savers, or other products - please don't use our
InfoAve Questions/Answers/Tips form.
use our general Cloudeight support form instead.
- If you want to help us by telling your friends about our
Cloudeight Direct Computer Care service, you can download a printable
flyer you can handout or post on bulletin boards, etc. Get
the printable PDF Cloudeight Direct
Computer Care flyer here.

products and services are recommended and endorsed by Cloudeight:
Anti-Malware- The best anti-malware you'll find
anywhere. Great protection -- both proactive and reactive. Learn
more here.
Organizer-- A Swiss Army knife of PC tools. Easy for
beginners to use -- with advanced features for experienced users too. Learn
more here.
Direct Computer Care - Computer Repair Service--
And for computer repair, you can't beat our remote repair service. You
never have to leave your home, take your computer anywhere or leave it
with someone you don't know or trust. We can fix most computer problems
and all you have to do is sit back and relax. Learn
more here.
Email Setup - we'll set up Thunderbird for you - works great
with Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Get the
details here.
Customization - Make Windows 10 look and work the way you
want it to. Get
more info here.
don't forget:
Daily Tips & Tricks
offering something we think
most of you will enjoy. We have a daily tips and tricks summary
newsletter that is sent six days a week. It features daily tips,
freeware picks, and site picks and interesting computer tips, tricks
and more. It's short and sweet - very brief and lightweight. If you'd
like to receive or daily tips and tricks newsletter (completely free,
of course).
You can
subscribe here.
You can
also help us by using our Start
We have over 100 free games to our
Start Page too - come and play all day. It costs nothing to use our Start
Page--and helps us a lot.
Your Premium Members' Home Page is located here.

love to hear from you!
If you have comments, questions,
a tip, trick, a freeware pick, or just want to tell us off for
something,, please visit
this page.
If you need to change your
newsletter subscription address, please see "Manage your subscription"
at the bottom of your newsletter.
We received
hundreds of questions for possible use in IA news. Please keep in mind
we cannot answer all general computer questions. We choose a few to use
in each week's newsletter, so keep this in mind. If you have a support
question about a service or product we sell,
contact us here.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of
InfoAve Premium.
Thanks so much for your support and for being a Premium subscriber.
Have a great weekend!
Darcy & TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Issue #709
Volume 14 Number 30
May 12, 2017
Not a subscriber?
Subscribe to our InfoAve
Premium Newsletter

All software recommendations we make in this newsletter are based on
our own experience and testing of the programs that we recommend. This
does NOT guarantee they will work on YOUR computer. We assume you will
read the program documentation and use the program according to the
instructions. We make no guarantees about any program recommended in
this newsletter or its suitability for any particular purpose. We will
not be responsible for any problems you may have. We do not and cannot
provide support for any products other than our own Cloudeight products
and we will not answer email concerning any product which is not a
Cloudeight product. We urge you to use good judgment when downloading
and installing software and to use a program only after reading the
program's documentation. And, all Tips & Tricks in this
newsletter have been tested by us on several different computers and
were found to work as indicated. They may not work on yours. We make no
guarantees. Anything we recommend you try and use at your own risk. We
will not be responsible for any problems caused by any software
programs recommended in this newsletter or any of the tips and tricks
in this newsletter.. Readers' comments are their own and Cloudeight
Internet LLC is not responsible for comments of our readers. All
readers' comments, suggestions, questions, and tips and tricks sent to
us become the property of Cloudeight Internet LLC. You understand that
we may use your comments without your explicit permission.
"Cloudeight InfoAve Premium" newsletter
is published by:
Cloudeight Internet LLC
Middleville, Michigan USA 49333-0073