Simple Trick For Multi-Tasking in Windows 10
In Windows 7, holding down the Windows key and pressing the Tab key allows users to scroll through open programs, one at a time. In Windows 10, the Windows key + Tab key combination does the same thing, but instead of scrolling through programs one at time, you can see all open programs on your desktop at once.
Yes, that’s a lot of open programs, but what, me worry?
So if you are using Windows 10 and you want to instantly see how many programs you have open – just press and hold the Windows Key and tap the Tab key. And another tip, you can click any of those thumbnails to bring that particular program into focus.
EB? What, me worry? Is from Alfred E. Neuman, the Mad Magazine Magnate.
He kind of resembles you, EB…except your hair is longer and grayer.
The old gray mare, she ain’t what she used to be!
Aw…just kidding, I tells ya!
I tried that on my keyboard running WiN10. All it did was greatly reduce the current page I was on. (this one)
Eddie, the point is exactly that. Windows Key + Tab shows you thumbnails of all the programs you have open. So yes, if you only have one program open it will reduce the size of the program window to a thumbnail on the desktop – and that’s the point. But this applies to someone who has 4 or 5 programs open – not for someone with one program open. It’s kind of hard to scroll through open programs when only one is open. Besides pressing Windows Key + Tab again puts everything back as it was.
Can you help me on this message, when I open Windows Live Mail.
There was an error when attempting to connect to the Windows Live Calendar service.
If the error persists, check to see if there’s an upgrade of Windows Live Mail available or contact a service representative.
I am not sure if I did anything??? but what ever I try, no luck or should I get different email program?????????????
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I feel sure what I am going to suggest was in one of your earlier tips or I would not know about it !
It seems easier to just click on the ‘task view’ icon to the left side of your quick access task bar at the bottom of your screen, and it immediately shows all your programs that you have open . You can click on any one you want to go back to . I have found this very convenient since you introduced us to it !
Like others; I cannot thank you both enough for all your continued help !!
The idea of the trick / tip was that you can do it using the keyboard 🙂 In other words, it’s a keyboard shortcut. You can open the start menu by clicking the start button. But the keyboard shortcut to open the start menu is to press the Windows key. Which is easier? Hmmm depends whether you like using a mouse and clicking icons or if you like keyboard shortcut
Kind of hard to click the virtual desktop / task view icon with the keyboard. 🙂 Right?
In short, keyboard shortcuts are handy alternatives to using the mouse.
Besides we’ve covered the task view/virtual desktops in a previous post. You might like using a mouse better than the keyboard. But, I am old fashioned, I like keyboard shortcuts. Which is easier – opening file explorer by the file explorer icon in the taskbar? Or using the Windows Key + E keyboard shortcut. I say Windows Key + E is faster. Maybe we could have a race sometime!