Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly – Issue #860 – Available Online
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly, Issue #860, was sent to all our subscribers on Friday, April 3, 2020, at approximately 8:50 AM, Eastern Daylight Time (USA).
If you didn’t receive our latest newsletter, it’s because your ISP didn’t deliver it… or it’s in your spam folder. We suggest, if you are having problems receiving our weekly InfoAve Weekly newsletters, that you subscribe to our newsletter using a free Gmail or account. Both of these providers allow you to receive mail without censoring your email. If it’s in your spam folder, highlight it, and mark it “Not spam”.
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You can read Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly – Issue #860 – April 3, 2020, here.
Missed an issue? Visit our Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Home Page
Our Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly Home Page features the most recent issues of InfoAve Weekly. Currently, on our InfoAve Weekly Home Page, you’ll find Issues #847 through #860.
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Today for the very first time I didn’t receive My infoAve Weekly. (Issue # 860) I have a gmail account and I have checked my spam folder and it is not there. I have gone online and read it there, but I like to save them in my gmail folder. I really don’t know how to save it to my gmail folder when I go online to read it. I want to take this opportunity to thank you very much for all the information you provide.
Hi, there was a glitch in sending yesterday 3 APR 2020. I re-sent the newsletter this morning – 4 APR 2020. It appears to be sending normally now.
Well, I did not get Friday’s Newsletter. I have a gmail account (for years now), and it was not in my spam folder and not accidentally sent to my Trash folder. Don’t know what happened. My email address for Cloudeight is my gmail addy, so it did not have to be transferred from another account.
Just like what Yvonne wrote, I didn’t receive it either. (Chase)
UPDATE: I was happy to receive Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly – Issue #860 showing date and time sent: 4/4/2020 5:46:36 AM. Thank you for providing such great newsletters. (Chase)
Hi, there was a glitch in sending yesterday 3 APR 2020. I re-sent the newsletter this morning – 4 APR 2020. It appears to be sending normally now.
Hi, there was a glitch in sending yesterday 3 APR 2020. I re-sent the newsletter this morning – 4 APR 2020. It appears to be sending normally now.
Same as Yvonne
Hi, there was a glitch in sending yesterday 3 APR 2020. I re-sent the newsletter this morning – 4 APR 2020. It appears to be sending normally now.
Hi TC and EB,
I have been receiving your wonderful Cloudeight InfoAve almost since the start, and this is the first time I have missed getting it I think. I’m in Australia, but that shouldn’t matter.
I’ve checked everywhere, and it doesn’t seem to be hiding. I’ve been with the same very large provider for years, so not sure what is going on. Maybe the virus ate it?! ;D
Thank you for all you do for all of us.
Best wishes, Annie 😉
Hi, there was a glitch in sending yesterday 3 APR 2020. I re-sent the newsletter this morning – 4 APR 2020. It appears to be sending normally now.