3 thoughts on “Cloudie’s Birthday Sale

  1. JoninOz

    A Happy Birthday Cloudie, and thanks TC & EB for 20 years of excellent, great advice, tips, tricks, the ‘freebies’ links, Remote Computer Care which is a great benefit to members who need advice and assistance and the regular interesting daily and weekly newsletters.
    Not forgetting The Start Page, the games, NOTH and the goodness of your hearts to carry on carrying on.

  2. Marjory Leslie

    My computer does not want to load sometimes. It says Personal Apps not responding. I restart it several times and eventually it works for awhile then will do the same thing. Is this something you can fix or do I need to take it to a computer shop? Thanks.

    1. infoave Post author

      We have fixed most every Windows problem over the years. I’m sure we could help you. If you have a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care repair key we could take a look at your problems and try to fix them for you.


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