By | July 16, 2013

After weeks of testing many free and commercial anti-malware programs, and after communicating back and forth with Emsisoft, we’re very pleased to tell you that our number pick for anti-malware protection and detection is Emsisoft Anti-Malware… and we have no doubt at all about our decision. We know it’s the right one for you and for us. We’ve installed it on all of our machines and it’s working flawlessly, protecting all of them.
You all know that the best way to get rid of malware is to not get infected with it in the first place. Of all the programs we tested, Emsisoft Anti-Malware detected every bundled installer we threw it at. It protected our virtual machine we used for testing better than any other anti-malware by far. And it detects most installed malware quickly and easily.

You can’t always be on guard, there are some very sneaky software distributors on the Web — some of them small companies, but many of them big-name companies you recognize. You can’t always be on guard, but Emsisoft can. Emsisoft provides you with not only excellent detection of malware already on your computer — but helps you from ever getting any more. And this is what we’ve been looking for, for a long time.

We’ve worked on hundreds and hundreds of computers with our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care, and almost all of them have some malware, most of them have a lot of malware. Malware can literally wreck browsers, slow your Web browsing to a crawl, cost you minutes in boot-up and shut-down time, use memory unnecessarily, hurt your computer’s performance, and negatively impact your privacy.

Some companies are now trying to sell you on the idea that you actually want the malware that comes with bundled freeware and trialware. We know better — you’ve seen and we’ve seen how poorly a computer loaded with this kind of malware runs. We’ve discussed this with Emsisoft and they’re committed to providing you with the best protection and detection you’ll find anywhere — and not just for the short term, but for the long haul These folks are as committed to your privacy and your safety as we are.

We rank Emsisoft Anti-Malware #1 in protection and detection of malware. With their excellent support staff, company commitment to fight malware, and their dedication to each customer, we think we’ve made the right choice…and we know you will too.

Get more information, see screen shots, and save $10 if you decide to protect your computer with Emsisoft Anti-Malware by visiting this page.



  1. mary

    I have purchased EMSISOFT ANTI-MALWARE through pay pal. Now what. How do I install it?

    1. infoave Post author

      An email will be sent to you within 24 hours (as indicated on the thank you page) and in the email is a special link to download the software and a registration key — as well a link to easy instructions on how to register the software. The one-year subscription does not start until you register the software.



  2. Gay

    I have been a fan of TC and Darcy for well over a decade, and completely trust what you two tell me. Thanks for finding all of us replacement malware protection! I have just purchased it through your link above, and did save $10! Thanks again! I look forward to installing the software, and remaining free of malware.

  3. Patti

    Question — Are y’all also investigating any free antimalware companies? If not, please do, so we’ll have a choice. Thanks!

    1. E Muriel Schlecht

      Patti, click on the link in the article above.
      It’s a C8-written page that I think will answer your question on how you’ll be protected if you continue to use Emsisoft in the free mode after your 30-day trial is up.
      “free vs. paid” is explained well on this page, too.

    1. infoave Post author

      We don’t know as we don’t use Norton. It works well with MSE though. If you read the information

        on this page

      , you’ll see if you really want to use Norton and Emsisoft, that Emsisoft’s support team will be glad to help you with it.

  4. Michel

    “Emsisoft Anti-Malware 8.0 – 30 day trial/freeware – Can be unlocked to the full version by purchasing a license. Switches to freeware scanner mode on license expiry.” What does that mean exactly? Scans only but does not “clean”???

    1. Emsi

      In freeware mode, the realtime protection elements are disabled. Scanning and cleaning is still possible though.

    2. infoave Post author

      The freeware cleans and removes but only does it manually — it does not provide real-time protection, surfing protection, or real-time warnings. In other words, once you get infected the freeware version will clean the malware, but the full version protects your computer from all threats including viruses and trojans, rootkits and malware in real time.

  5. Ingo Klose

    1- Is the license good for one computer,
    2- can it be transferred to a new computer during the license year?

    1. Emsi

      Each license key can be used for the number of PCs ordered. A license key can be trasferred to another PC up to 5 times within a 24h time window.

    2. infoave Post author

      The license is good for one computer for one year. We are, as I write this, we are making special deals for those with two or three computers.

  6. Amy DeMeo

    I’d like to know if it’s only good for one computer also

  7. lynda

    I have purchased EMSISOFT ANTI-MALWARE
    Thanks for saving me 10.00$ Love your infor.
    Trust you all.. Thanks for all your help..

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks for your support Lynda. We love it when we find something that’s as extraordinary like Emsisoft Anti-Malware — plus they answered our mail right away. We told them about how much we used to love Malwarebytes and how Malwarebytes had let us and their users down and we didn’t want the same thing happening with Emsisoft. He assured us that they are as committed as we are to fighting malware in all it’s forms. We’re just glad we took a chance and spend two weeks testing it on virtual machines (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1).

  8. E Muriel Schlecht

    Prior to switching to Malwarebytes, I used a free version of a program called A-Squared (which I think you mentioned many years ago). I kept A-Squared on my computer as a 2nd anti-malware program, but honestly have never used it again and forgot about it. When I read this article, the company name of Emsisoft “rang a bell” since I seemed to remember that A-Squared came from Emsisoft. I did a Google search for A-Squared and discovered that “Emsisoft AntiMalware was formerly called A-squared”. Seems we’ve come full-circle on this one. But now we have so much more to worry about when it comes to malware and the like. Thank you again TC and EB. Emsisoft, don’t let us down like so many others have. Stay true and ethical.

  9. Arnie Brown

    I followed your recommendation and ordered EMSISOFT after deleting Maleware Anti-Ware. Then I followed “REMOVE MALWARE-FREE” notice listed in your notice by “SPARKTRUST”. They claim that I have 1081 problems and recommend that I take it to a “Qualified” serve centre (their words not mine)and after 4-5 days and about $4-500 my system would be cleaned up properly, and that I should do this about every 6-9 months to eliminate the problems. They also claim that the service I obtained from CloudEighty was ‘NOT A THOROUGH JOB”. I tend to disagree.
    Why do you allow adds by people like this on your Cloudeight Info Page?. I’m sorry to be such a nuisance folks in bring this forward,but thought you might like to hear from one of your loyal followers.

    Arnie Brown

    1. infoave Post author

      We hope you have read our statements about advertising on our site and advertising in general. How we wish we could afford not to have any. If every single newsletter subscriber donated just $10 each year we could be ad-free. Unfortunately, whenever we have tried that approach the same people, who support us every time we ask for help, donate, and the rest don’t.

      And we really appreciate all the support we get from everyone, but we’ve tried over and over and over to get away from advertising and we simply cannot afford to do it. We have struggled financially since the demise of Windows Mail and Outlook Express — since Windows 7 came out in 2009. We have been skipping paychecks in order to try to keep things going. If we cut out advertising, we couldn’t make it…

      So we do the next best thing, we warn people OVER AND OVER AND OVER not to click on questionable links. Every advert on our site is marked as such. You clicked an advertisement and you knowingly did so. And if you have read our newsletter you knew the minute you landed on that site it was a scam (Sparktrust is another malware company not detected by Malwarebytes). You should have known the minute you landed on that page it was a scam and closed your browser tab and gotten out of there — instead you must have run their scam scan where it detected thousands of errors which you should have known from our newsletter were not real error but fictional ones. Every one who goes to that page has the same number of errors…

      We have always, always, always urged users to use common sense, be careful of what ads they click on, be careful of what they download.

      We use Google’s Ad Choices. Google doesn’t always check ads for accuracy.

      Let me ask you this: Do you ever watch TV and see the ridiculous ads for diet products claiming you can lose weight and eat all you want? Your common sense tells you that can’t be, and you don’t buy it. Do you write to the TV show and tell them they’re running misleading ads? No you don’t.

      We can only do so much to help educate people, and try to keep them safe. We can only beg for donations so much before we have to face the fact that a few hundred out of the 50,000 subscriber donate faithfully whenever we ask for help. That’s not fair that a few hundred people always open their hearts and pocketbooks while the rest don’t. But we understand. So we really have to have advertising.

      We also do our best to give people great deals on computer repair services, software, and other things. We just don’t have that many products to sell — why? Because we won’t sell just anything… we will only sell what we ourselves believe in and use ourselves. The products we do sell have been tested and used by us. And they are the same products we recommend to our friends and family.

      To us, you and all the others who read our newsletters are our family and we try to treat each person as we’d like to be treated. Maybe sometimes TC gets a bit hotheaded, but that’s they way he is…he loves all of you and do does Darcy.

      Advertising will have to be part of our sites until the day we find out how to dig ourselves out of this financial hole that we fell into the day Windows 7 was released.

      We can’t control what Microsoft does or what anyone else does, we can only control what we do.


      1. E Muriel Schlecht

        Take another deep breath, TC. Take two or three if you need to…but slowly now, so you don’t hyperventilate.

        I’m wondering if maybe, just maybe, some don’t even recognize a hyperlink when they see it? And therefore click on the next thing they see that looks like a download spot, and do it without bothering to read. You’d think a “loyal follower” would
        know that by now….especially since “Sparktrust” doesn’t even have but only two letters in common with “Emnisoft”.
        …..simply mind boggling.

        C’MON all you “loyal followers”…..$1 $2 $5 or more a month…whatever you can spare on a regular basis. Just imagine what your computer life would be without TC and EB.

  10. Deanna

    I was on Emsisoft’s website reading more about the program and I noticed that they said it is an anti-virus scanner also. Since most of us already are using an anti-virus program, should we have them both running or remove the program we are already using? Just wondering because in the past this has been known to cause problems.

    1. Darcy

      You can safely run it with your current antivirus, or you can just use Emsisoft as it combines antivirus and antimalware. We are using it with Microsoft Security Essentials and Defender (win8),and it is working nicely with no conflicts and no excessive use of CPU/RAM.

      What I am advising is keep MSE/Defender and run Emsisoft too, since MSE/Defender is free and not a bloated security suite. If you are using Norton/MacAfee/AVG/Avast, I would dump them and just use Emsisoft. Security suites are a drain on system resources, are costly and unnecessary in many respects.


  11. Phyllis

    OMG, thank you so much for this recommendation. I bought it and ran a deep scan, since it was the first time. I was stunned to find a trojan that had been on my computer for quite some time. I know it was there for awhile, due to where it was hidden. Thanks so much for putting in the time and effort to find software that does what it supposed to do. I <3 you guys!

  12. Phyllis

    p.s. I also took the survey to let them know exactly how I heard of it, via cut and paste, and that I trusted your recommendations completely!

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks, Phyllis. It really is a great program. It’s going to hurt our Malware Removal service, but hey, we’re out to help everyone with the best information we can provide. Anyone who buys, installs, and uses this program will be better protected than they ever have before. We were so excited when we were testing it and everything we threw at it was detected and showed us warning. Plus, it explained each threat so we could make an informed decision. We were clicking links intentionally to get our virtual machine infected – but Emsisoft never failed to detect the nasties. It took longer to convince EB than it took to convince me (TC) – but now she’s as enthusiastic as I am about Emsisoft Anti-Malware.

  13. nick

    I have been using Malwarebytes Pro for some time now but have deferred to your recommendation and ordered Emsisoft and am waiting for the reg key. I bought my first computer several years ago and was so inept I had to get help trying to figure out how to log off. When I discovered I had to click on START i knew I had a steep learning curve ahead of me. Fortunately a friend referred me to Cloudeight. Since then, and due in large part to your information and advice, I have a smooth running computer, learned an great deal about how it works as it relates to my needs, and how to effectively deal with security issues. I try to adhere to the old Fram Oil Filter commercial, “pay me now or pay me later” and your recommendation on the issue of malware fits nicely into this category. Hopefully it will result in much needed financail assistance for you and and safer computers for us. Can’t wait to see what Malwarebyes was missing

  14. Chuck

    What is the very best way to completely remove Malwarebytes Pro ? .

    Thanks for all you do.


  15. SB

    I can’t believe it, but apparently I am stupider than your usual readers because for the life of me I cannot find the download link on those pages. You say there is a free trial, but all I see is BUY NOW buttons….

  16. kathy blinn

    Does Emisoft support xp home edition service pack 2?
    SP 3 doesn’t agree with my pc.
    Thanks you guys…you are the best

    1. infoave Post author

      No — and you should upgrade to SP3 for your own safety.

  17. KB


    1. infoave Post author

      No, as you’ve already found out. You shouldn’t be using XP SP2 anyway, it’s seriously vulnerable. You should install SP3 as soon as you can.

  18. kb

    I emailed emsisoft and got a quick reply…..it does not support xp home edition service pack 2
    Keep up the good work guys and happy weekend

  19. Colin Jones

    I tried the trial version of Emsisoft but wasn’t impressed. I did a quick scan and it came up with two suspects which I quarantined. I then did another scan and the same two suspicious objects came up. The quarantine either didn’t work or I was getting a false positive so decided to uninstall.

    1. infoave Post author

      You’re assessment contains little fact and a lot of speculation. I am 99% sure what you’re seeing in quarantine are registry traces left over from malware you previously removed with another program that left those traces there. Registry traces do not mean your system is infected — registry traces are orphaned files.

      But you can reach whatever conclusion you wish to reach, you’re obviously biased against the program. Emsisoft has proven itself to us – we did over two weeks of testing with it and it warned us every single time we were about to install a malware program bundled with another program — and this to us, and for most of our readers is worth the price. Additionally (and provably), Emsisoft’s antivirus component ranks at the top – with 100% detection. Those are facts, not speculation or concern about registry traces which are “quarantine”- meaning they cannot be accessed by Windows.

      If your choice to make a decision what goes on your computer. It’s our business to tell the truth based on facts we gather from reliable sources like AV testing labs tests and our own extensive tests. Frankly, if you don’t want to use Emisoft, that’s your choice, and your loss.


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