InfoAve Premium – Issue #776 Technical Issues

By | August 25, 2018

InfoAve Premium – Issue #776 Technical Issues

First our apologies for the problems we had sending the newsletter to you yesterday. Here’s why you didn’t get our Premium newsletter when you usually do.

We became aware of a problem after receiving hundreds of emails from people asking us why they didn’t get their InfoAve Premium Newsletter – Issue #776 – August 24, 2018. 

After some waiting and checking, it became apparent that there was a glitch and the newsletter was still in queue to be sent but was never actually sent. This morning, we realized the newsletter was still in the sending queue. So, we cancelled it and re-sent the newsletter this morning 25 August 2018 around 8:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time USA, and we doubled-checked to make sure it was being sent. 

All subscribers should get our newsletter within the next few hours. We’re very sorry for this… and we’ll try hard to make sure it doesn’t happen again. This is the first glitch in 776 weeks, but it should have never happened.

We hope you enjoy InfoAve Premium Issue #776.  We apologize for the delay.

One more thing… you can read the newsletter online at

3 thoughts on “InfoAve Premium – Issue #776 Technical Issues

  1. Carol Munson Ross

    The newsletter is just as good today as it would have been yesterday. Thank you for letting us know what happened.

  2. Yvonne

    Thanks for telling us. I thought it was Gmail that was blocking it, though you’ve always said they never censor mail.

  3. Gail Bartley

    When I noticed I hadn’t received mine yet I went on a search and found it in the Spam folder. Not sure how or why it ended up there but just glad I did get it. I was ready to do battle with my ISP.


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