Thanks to You and Thanks to Our Cloudeight Boosters
Last weekend we added some super specials and freebies for our Cloudeight Boosters… and your response was amazing. So first, we’d like to thank you for that. We really appreciate it.
Or course, not all of you are Cloudeight Boosters. But we want you to know that we very much appreciate the support you give us. We appreciate those who support us by subscribing to our newsletters. Those who support us by using our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care services. We are thankful for those who support us by purchasing the products we recommend and sell like Emsisoft and Reg Organizer. You are all part of our family and we thank you for your friendship and support.
For those of you who have taken the extra step of becoming a Cloudeight Booster – we send you a special thank you. As a booster you help us get through some tough financial times. And we don’t know how to thank you for all you do for us. That is the reason we add freebies and special prices for you as often as we can. If it weren’t for your support, things would be even tougher. Thank you so much.
When Microsoft removed a decent mail program (Windows Mail/Outlook Express) from Windows back in 2009, we were the biggest stationery site on the Web. As people upgraded to Windows 7 few could use our stationery and we had to start over.
When someone or something rips your heart out, there are two things you can do: You can give up, or you can find ways to keep going. We didn’t give up, we fought on and it wasn’t easy. We had to rely on some of our loyal stationery newsletter subscribers to stick with us as we transitioned from an email stationery site to a Windows tips and tricks and help site, and started our Windows computer repair service.
Every week we provide free support to hundreds of Windows users. To this day, we still answer every single person who writes to us. And we help dozens of people every single day.
In 2011 Darcy came up with idea for Cloudeight Direct Computer Care services. And that helped us to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. We started all over again. We are fortunate that so many of our subscribers stayed with us.
Now we rely on Cloudeight Direct Computer Care, products we endorse and recommend and those wonderful people who have become Cloudeight Boosters to keep us going.
Thank you to all of you who read our newsletters.
Thank you to those who buy the products and services we recommend.
And a special thank you to our Cloudeight Boosters. Because of you, we’re still fighting and we’re never going to give up.
It gets tough sometimes. Sometimes we’re struggling to pay the bills. Sometimes we throw our hands up and say “What do we do now?” But Darcy and I pick each other up, and we never let ourselves get too far down. We keep on fighting and we keep on going.
But we will tell you this: Without you, the road would be more difficult.
To our Cloudeight Boosters – Thank you so much! You’ve given us so much. You’ve made the Booster’s site a success. We just added some super specials and some new freebies. And we plan on adding more and giving you more because you deserve it.
If you’re a booster and you haven’t been to the booster’s site recently, check it out. The super specials and freebies are on the page that opens as soon as you log in.
To our boosters and to everyone who has stuck with us through the good times and the hard times – we want you to know that we appreciate it very much. Without your support and your encouragement, the road would be much bumpier.
Thank you! And a special thank you to those who have taken the extra step and have become Cloudeight Boosters.
We consider all of you our friends. And we just wanted to say Thank You!
If you’re interested in making a donation and becoming a Cloudeight Booster visit this page.