Thunderbird Stationery Add-on Updated for New Version of Thunderbird

By | December 3, 2018

Thunderbird Stationery Add-on Updated for Newest Version of Thunderbird.

If you’re one of the many Thunderbird users who loved to use stationery with Thunderbird, but were disappointed when you updated to the newest version of Thunderbird (Version 60) only to find that you could no longer use stationery with Thunderbird, we have good news for you.

You can now download the updated Stationery add-on from Thunderbird by Arivald that works with the newest versions of Thunderbird. The stationery add-on is an extension to mimic Outlook Express Stationery.  It allows you to use HTML files as templates for mail.It also allows you to use custom template in replies or forwarded mail!

We have a nice selection of Stationery for Thunderbird here… and we offer a Thunderbird installation and set up service too.

For download links and more information visit the official Thunderbird Stationery Add-on page here.

2 thoughts on “Thunderbird Stationery Add-on Updated for New Version of Thunderbird

  1. Judy Gibson

    Thank you for this information. The other day after updating TB and couldn’t use stationery, I saw your “fix” in your weekly newsletter so I went back to the previous version of TB so I could use stationery. I have now updated Thunderbird again and stationery is working great. Cloudeight is great! Thank you so very much. Merry Christmas!

  2. Sandra Corbin

    Thank you so very much! Oh, how I have missed being able to use the super stationery in Thunderbird. You are simply the BEST! Merry and Blessed Christmas — and a great New Year!


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