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Cloudeight Information Avenue - Issue #418 - January 30, 2010

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Welcome to Issue #418 of InfoAve Free Edition!  Thanks for subscribing! 


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And get 9 beautiful 3D animated screen savers on a 2GB USB Flash Drive!


Help us and we'll send you 9 beautiful 3D animated screen savers which normally sell for $7.95 each - all on a brand name 2.0GB USB Flash Drive. You'll have over 1.8GB of free space left on the drive to use any way you like. This is a $80 value! Get more information here.

You'll get every one of our popular animated 3D screensavers on a convenient 2.0GB USB Flash Drive.

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Our Cloudeight 3D Animated Screen Savers work on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. USB flash drive is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac.

If you can help us today, please do. Thanks to all of you.

Information Avenue Free Edition


Debbie wants to keep track of her downloads and bandwidth used
According to a log provided by our ISP, we had downloads totaling over 300mb during the hours of 7:00a.m. through 6:00 a.m. the following day. Is there anywhere on our computers that we can see what was actually downloaded, or at least, where the downloads originated? I use XP Pro and my husband has Win7. Thank you so much in advance.

Our Answer is here.

Save 20% right now on Spyware Doctor!
Spyware Doctor is one of the most popular Spyware removal and real-time protection tools on the market It's our #1 rated anti-spyware program and we use it on all of our computers. We trust all our computers to Spyware Doctor for one good reason: It's the best commercial anti-spyware you can install on your computer. Get the latest, greatest Spyware Doctor and save 20%. You'll be helping us and you'll be helping yourself by ridding your computer of spyware, adware, malware, and other nasties. Get more information and your 20% off coupon code here.

Arlene's got an external hard drive - now what should she back up?
I finally bought a 250 GB external hard drive to use for backing up my computer. Now that I've got it, what do I back up? A silly question? Not for a novice. I haven't a clue.

Our answer is here.

InfoAve Premium E-Book Volume 6

InfoAve Premium E-Book Volume 6 -  Includes hundreds of tips and tricks!
The Cloudeight InfoAve Premium Volume 6 E-Book contains all the content of all 52 issues of InfoAve Premium from our sixth year of publication - from October 2008 to October 2009! InfoAve Premium Volume 6 E-Book is available as a download, on CD-ROM, or on USB Flash Drive! Have it your way...get more information here - or get your copy of our biggest and best E-book ever -- here!.

Information Avenue Free Edition

Revisiting Reimage
Windows XP

We've received dozens of comments about Reimage like this one from Connie A.

"I just read your article on reimage repair. I was having computer issues and decided to try reimage.  It went well but when it rebooted registry mechanic came up with a whole lot of errors.  Not knowing weather I should have it repair the errors after just using reimage or not I contacted reimage.  They responded quickly and explained that it was ok for mechanic to repair these errors as it was for different issues. I let it repair and then rebooted and my problems seem to be fixed.  Thank you for telling us about this program.  It saved a lot of hassle and expense.  And reimage was very affordable. I have most of your programs and try the ones you tell us about and so far have been very happy with the results.  It is nice to have someone else test these programs for us.  Again thanks so much for all you do." Connie A.

Read the rest of this tip here...

Save 20% Instantly on Registry Mechanic 
Registry Mechanic is Cloudeight approved and endorsed - we use it on our personal and business computers. When you buy Registry Mechanic you'll be helping Cloudeight and yourself too!

Read our review of one of the best programs you can install on your computer - Registry Mechanic. You'll learn why your Windows registry is like the engine of your car and why you need to take care of it. Registry Mechanic automates the task of optimizing, cleaning, and removing errors from your Windows registry. This makes your computer run faster, last longer, and gets rid of a lot of the aggravations you experience - program crashes, error messages and slow startups and shutdowns. If you're tired of your computer running like a tortoise through quicksand - take a moment to learn why - and how Registry Mechanic can make your computer run better, run faster, and last longer - all automatically. All you have to do is click a button - really. Save 20% on Registry Mechanic, help yourself, and help us too!
Get your 20%-off coupon code and order or try Registry Mechanic right now!

MiFi - Internet anywhere
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

I recently took a trip and stayed in a condo where the only Internet access was dialup. My laptop doesn't even have a dialup modem - in fact most newer laptops don't. Besides, working with dialup is painfully slow, especially when you're editing web pages, trying new software or accessing your home computer over a network using a program like LogMeIn.

Read more here...

Oops! BackupOOPS! Backup
Oops!Backup is a backup program unlike any other we've ever seen. By now you know that we never recommend piecemeal backups - we urge all our readers to do comprehensive drive clone (or image) backups, because it's the only way to totally recover from a major computer disaster without losing any data. But you don't want to run an image backup restoration just to recover a few missing or inadvertently changed photos, documents, or other files. It's like using a fire hose to fill your dog's water dish. I'm so wonderful at examples :)

Oops!Backup is not a drive image backup program. It's not a piecemeal backup program. It's not a system restore program. It's ..it's...it's different. Oops!Backup monitors whatever folders and files you choose for any changes that are made. It allows you to go back in time to any version of a file you're working on whether it be a photo, document, or any other type of file.

What impressed us was the unique, sensible. totally easy-to-use interface. I mean, how hard is it figure out what "Go back in time and restore" means? It's so easy to use, even those who are software-challenged can figure it out -- without ever needing "Help". No help needed -- but there is help available should you ever need it. And if our experience with this company is any indication, their customer support will be superb.

Save 10% now on a program you'll really love and you really need!

This week's Rant


"To those of us who knew the pain
Of valentines that never came
And those whose names were never called
When choosing sides for basketball
It was long ago and far away
The world was younger than today
And dreams were all they gave for free
To ugly duckling (guys) like me."
(Janis Ian "At Seventeen")

To me, February is the worst month of the year.

Though February is the shortest month, it seems like the longest month. February this year, like most years, has twenty-eight days. By the time it is over, it will seem like sixty-two days; at least to those of us who live in the Midwestern United States. Here spring begins on March 21st, according to the calendar, but it doesn't really begin until sometime in late April.

February is a cruel. cold month. It is the mean, odious step-mother of months. It leads us into March - when spring is supposed to begin. But, March is nothing if not a big tease. The calendar says spring begins on March 21. But spring does not begin in March. At least it does not begin in March in my little town.

Read the rest of this essay here.


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Buy a one-year subscription to InfoAve Premium - and we'll give you our newest ebook free! You'll get a whole year of our InfoAve Premium newsletter - four times as much information as our free edition - plus we'll give you a free InfoAve Premium E-book Volume VI - free! You get both for $11.95.

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Information Avenue Free Edition


Professional recovery software free? Priceless!

See what our freeware pick of the week is!

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Thanks again for subscribing to Information Avenue Free Edition.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Eightball & Thundercloud
Cloudeight Information Avenue Free Edition - Issue #418
January 30, 2010

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