Cloudeight InfoAve Premium Issue #785 Volume 16 Number 2 October 26, 2018 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Premium issue #785. Thank you for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your subscription and your support very much! ![]() Quote of the Day: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth.” ~ Oscar Wilde. ![]() The New Red Chrome Warnings on Non Secure Sites Like Ours The newer versions of Chrome (version 70+) will show a red triangle and the words "not secure" when you enter any information into a web form on a non-secure (non https:// ) site. We are working to configure our sites to secure servers even though we don't collect any personal information. We have thousands of pages and tens of thousands of images which all have to be reconfigured; it's taking a lot longer than we expected. And it's proving to be more costly to us than we imagined. Please note that the red warning triangle and the red "not secure" warning only shows on Chrome version 70 and newer. It does not show on Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer You've known us for two decades. We don't collect any personal information. The forms we have on our site ask for basic information necessary only to provide you with a forum to contact us, sign up for one of our newsletters, or schedule a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care session. When you purchase a product or service from us, you can be certain that all of these transactions are done entirely on secure servers. Chrome's "red" warning does not make our site unsafe; it does not make using our site unsafe. And while we work on moving all of our content to secure servers, we ask for your understanding and your continued trust. Thank you all very much for your support, patience, trust and understanding. We'll keep you all updated on our progress. If you'd like to help us with a small donation, we'd very much appreciate it. Please visit this page.
A comment from Suzanne A big Cloudeight "Thank
you!" to Suzanne, Shar, Dan, Irene and
everyone who took time out to write to us this week. We appreciate your kind words and your
support very much! EB & TC
Anytime Support is Available At No Extra Cost With Any of Our Annual Support Plans! If you have a Cloudeight Direct SeniorPass or Season Ticket you are now eligible for Anytime Support at no extra cost! All you have to do is request us to set up Anytime Support for you. We can schedule a time with you and setup "unattended access". it only takes about five minutes to set this up. Once this is done, we will be able to log on to your computer any time you need us - as long as your computer is on. You will not need to be sitting at your computer! And we'll be able to give priority scheduling on those who have Anytime Support set up. This service is included with your SeniorPass or Season Ticket at no extra charge! Ask us about this service.
Paul gets an alert from OneDrive
Now Includes
"Anytime Repair" with Our Unattended Support Feature!
With our
Cloudeight Direct Computer Care SeniorPass, our friends age 60 and older get one
full year of unlimited computer care and repair for one low price. With
our SeniorPass you'll get the best computer care anywhere - any time you need it! Computer care & repair for one full year. Check out our SeniorPass offer right now! Get your SeniorPass and/or get more information here. ![]() ![]() Be in
Top Form When Filling Out Web Forms When you are filling out web forms, did you know if you put your information in the wrong form field – for instance, you put your name in the email field – don’t delete it… you can highlight it and drag it to the correct field. You don’t have to retype it. Think about it: you normally would highlight the incorrect input anyway. So just remember, highlight the information and drag it to the right place in the web form. The next time you enter your name in email field or your email in the name field, etc., don’t highlight and delete, highlight and drag it to where it belongs. More form tips? OK here you go! 1. Use the tab key to go from one field to the next, instead of having to use your mouse. 2. Use shift-tab to move you backwards in the form 3. If you are in an area with a drop down box, you can type the first letter of the choices to select it. This is handy when you encounter a long list such as a list of states or countries. Here’s an example: If you are in Michigan, you can click m key until Michigan appears (since more then one state starts with the letter m), with Michigan selected from the list, press the Enter key. 4. Use the up/down arrow box to go through options on a form in a drop down menu. 5. If you are using tab key to get from one form field to the next, and you come to a box to check, you can check it by clicking your space bar. click the space bar again to remove the check. 6. If you are filling out a form and you have used that entry before on almost any web form, (i.e. name, address, etc.), click the blank area twice and all prior entries will show. Keep in mind that these tips work in many standard web forms, but not all. ![]() 18
Windows 10 Troubleshooters and Where to Find Them Windows 10 has 18 troubleshooters that can help you fix common Windows problems. While they don’t always work, they’re always worth a try since they’re already on your computer and they’re all easy to use. So, how do you find all these Windows troubleshooters on your Windows 10 computer? I t’s very easy… Open Settings > Update and Security > Troubleshoot
ANOTHER TIP – AN EASIER WAY! An easier way to find Windows 10 troubleshooters is to type “Troubleshoot” (no quotes) in taskbar search and press Enter. Here’s a list of all 18 Windows 10 Troubleshooters along with a short description. Internet Connections Playing Audio Printer Windows Update Find and fix other problems Blue Screen Bluetooth Hardware and Devices Incoming connections Keyboard Network Adapter Power Program Compatibility Troubleshooter Recording Audio Search and Indexing Shared Folders Speech Video Playback Windows Store Apps ![]() You
Don’t Need a Driver and That’s a Start
Darcy and I have the great honor and privilege of helping many people with their computers. From the help we provide via our Web site and email, to our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care services we are around a lot of computers every day. During the last dozen or so Cloudeight Direct Computer Care sessions, we've noticed that almost all of these computers had at least one driver updater program installed. One PC had two driver updater programs installed, both running at Windows startup. On the surface, driver updater programs sound like they would be beneficial to your computer – after all, they constantly scour the web looking for new drivers for your hardware devices. But newer drivers are not necessarily better, and oftentimes are not well tested. Have a program install new drivers just because new drivers are available is like having your car mechanic install a new water pump because a new one is available. Other than being a great gimmick to make more money, it’s not going to do you any good if your old water pump was working fine and not causing you any problems. Driver updater programs are gimmicks. Driver updater programs can and do cause problems by updating drivers that don’t need to be updated and/or updating drivers that are working with newer drivers recently released and which may have not been well tested. Many times, driver updater programs are distributed as part of questionable software bundles which can load up your computer with PUPs, browser hijackers and browser homepage hijackers. We don’t even like Windows Update installing drivers. Here we show you how to stop Windows Update from automatically updating drivers. If you have a driver updater program installed, now is the time to remove it from your computer before it causes problems. If you leave driver updater programs on your system long enough they can cause major problems. The only time you ever need to update drivers is if a device is not working correctly. The old adage, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, applies here. There is one safe way to update drivers - and ONLY if needed - and that is: Visit the hardware device manufacturer’s Web site and download the correct driver(s). By this we mean if you have an Epson 3550 printer, get the latest correct driver(s) for your Epson 3550 printer directly from Epson's website. Take our advice and get rid of any driver updater programs you may have installed accidentally – or on purpose. You just might be saving yourself a lot of trouble down the road. And why take chances? Here are some names of unnecessary driver updater programs you may find on your computer: Slimware Utilities Driver Update And there are many others. ![]() The
“New” Gmail: How to Export Contacts and More By now, most of you have (been) migrated to the “new” Gmail – like it or not. And if you used to use to the “old” Gmail, you’re going to be hunting around looking for things because many things are different in the "new" Gmail. If you’ve been forcefully migrated to the “new” Gmail and now find you’ve no option to go back to the classic “old”, you’re not alone. Gradually, Google is removing the option to go back to the “classic” Gmail, and soon we will all be using the “new” Gmail. But do not writhe in anguish nor gnash your teeth, I tells ya. You’ll figure it out… and just about the time you get it all figured out, the “new’ Gmail will become “classic” Gmail when the Google’s brainy group of programmers, getting paid more in a year than most of us have made in our entire working lifetimes, realize that they can’t just sit around playing with tablets and Google logos – they actually have to show they did something. Now on with the tip. The new Gmail moves a lot of familiar stuff to clandestine places. For today’s example, we’re going to use “Contacts”. Not contact lenses, but contacts – people-type contacts. If you try find Contacts the same way you did in the old comfy Gmail, you’re gonna be a huntin’ and a peckin’ around a while. Why? Because the highly paid Google Gmail team moved it… that’s why. Contacts are not clandestine no more! (Yes. That was a double negative. Darcy likes them.) Anyway… here’s how to get to “Contacts” in the “new” Gmail. Click on the icon of 9 squares. Then, you’ll need to scroll passed the first page, to the second page of icons. See? There’s the second page of icons and you’ll see “Contacts” is right there. I know the contact icon is supposed to look like a person, but it looks like a pawn to me. Is that what Google thinks of us… mere pawns in its game of global dominance? Hmm, back on topic. See Contacts?
If you click on Contacts, you’ll have options, I tells ya! You can import contacts from your computer, you can export Gmail contacts to your computer and use them in most email programs, or just save them to back them up. Once you click on “Contacts” (the pawn icon). A dialog (see below) will open. To get all the options for your Contacts, click More. See the exquisitely placed arrow below.
Note (see above): Besides exporting your Gmail contacts, you can also print your contacts, restore contacts, clean up duplicates, sort contacts by first name or last name, and import contacts. Who knew? You do now! But wait! There’s more. Remember earlier when we told you to scroll to the second page to get to the pawn icon (Contacts)? OK. Here’s the first page. There’s lots of stuff on it. Some important stuff too. For instance, if you click on the white-pawn-in-the-blue-shield icon, you’ll go your main Google account. You can change your security settings, your password and do lots of other important and mundane stuff. You can access Google Calendar, Google Drive (where you have 15 GB of storage space you probably never knew you had), read the news, watch YouTube, Translate to/from English from most any language and more. Poke a few icons to find out what they do. You might find something you like.
Of course, on the second page of items, you’ll find more than just the pawn icon for Contacts. You’ll find Google Books, Shopping, Classroom (with another pawn in a green square), Hangouts, and more. So, click a few to see what they do. And that’s enough G-tips for you. Toodle loo! ![]() Want more computer tips & tricks? How to Change Your Profile (Account) Picture on Windows 10
We have thousands of Windows tips, tricks and more on our InfoAve web site. Come see for yourself!
Now Includes
"Anytime Repair" with Our Unattended Support Feature!
With our
Cloudeight Direct Computer Care SeniorPass, our friends age 60 and older get one
full year of unlimited computer care and repair for one low price. With
our SeniorPass you'll get the best computer care anywhere - any time you need it!
Computer care & repair for one full year.
Check out
our SeniorPass offer right now!
GeoGuessr Where in the World Am I? It’s the weekend… and we always try to find an entertaining site for you. Today, we’ve found a site that shows you an image from Google maps and you have to guess where in the world you are. The closer you get to guessing your correct location, the more points you get. If you keep playing you accumulate points. You can play alone or you can challenge a friend. You don’t have to sign up for a free account, but if you don’t you have click a link that says “Skip ad and continue the game”. If you do sign-up for a free account you won’t see this. But the point is, you don’t have to sign up to play the game – and you can get an account free – all you need is an email address.
Above: You can play as a single player or challenge a friend.
When the game starts you’ll see an image from a Google Maps Streetview and an overlay showing a map of the world. You have to guess where you are in the world by clicking on the map. That’s all there is to it. The closer you get to the actual location, the more points you get.
My guess was 2297.3 km (1427.5 miles) from the location I guessed. I was way off, but I still got 1072 points! The next round I played, I wasn’t even close. I guessed Brazil and the Google Maps Streetview was in Australia. I received no points for this debacle.
Anyway, it’s fun. You can spend hours playing the games on this site. They try to remove any obvious visual clues like signs, license plates, storefronts, etc. that would give away the location - but if you look closely you may find some hints... things like cars and whether cars drive on the left or right, signs and other things that may give you visual clues. So look closely. I chose to play the World map game, but there are many others – you can even create you own (but I didn’t try any of those options).
It's free, fun to play, and a good time waster – as if any of us have time to waste. Want to play? Visit GeoGuessr right now and see if you can guess where in the world you are. Or play any of the other maps that interest you. ![]() Cloudeight Direct Computer Care - Get Ready For Winter Checkup Winter is coming is coming and we're all going to be using our computers more. Let us make sure your computer is ready for those long, cold winter nights. When you order our Get Ready For Winter Computer Checkup:
You'll get all of the above for just $25. This offer is good for a limited time! Get Ready for Winter! Get all the details here. ![]() ![]() Global Warming and Me If you’re thinking this is going to be a political rant about the melting ice caps in the Arctic you are wrong. Honestly, I haven’t given much thought to about global warming. so I didn’t know what to think. Let’s face it – I’m old and not likely to be living when alligators roam the ponds and lakes of Wisconsin. I am sorry to say I really didn’t think about global warming much at all until one fateful morning when I read an article in “USA Today”. Now, It’s hitting home – this so-called global warming. Nah! I’m not worried about the predictions that palm and lemon trees will be growing in the yards of my Canadian friends. And I’m not too worried that Ohio will become the new Florida and winter coats will be relegated to the cedar chest… not that I would mind that. But I don’t really believe any of that will ever affect me; I’m old and I don’t foresee any of that happening in my lifetime. So why now – all of a sudden- have I grown wary of global warming? I’ll tell you why. I realize now that it is possible, that in my lifetime... Read the rest of this essay here.![]() ![]() Now available: Reg Organizer 8.20 If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 8.20. Save $14 on Reg Organizer right now! Reg Organizer - A Swiss Army Knife of Windows Tools - Works Great on Windows 10! ![]() ![]() What in the world is a "Microsoft
Account"? OK. Now to answer the question: A Microsoft account is any email account that ends with any of the following: If you
have an email address that ends with any of the above, you have a
Microsoft account. Whether you choose to use your Microsoft account to log
in to Windows 10 is up to you.
![]() These products and services are recommended and endorsed by Cloudeight:
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