Questions – I love your stationary but have not been able to use them with Yahoo mail. Am I missing something? Which mail programs will allow me to use the stationary? Thanks for your time.
2 things;
1-is there email stationery for outlook 2003? is not working? i tried going from your newsletter & other sites too. i am assuming that the website is having issues?
Thanks & anyhelp would be great, Tim
Outlook 2003 and newer has no user option to use anything by Microsoft Word as editor. Since Word does not write standard HTML you’re stuck with using templates. HTML stationery won’t work.
I haven’t received approval to post questions yet – not sure why, since it’s been a week. But I’m wondering what’s up with IncrediMail and this new facebook thing. I started to update my IncrediMail, and it’s requiring that I use their start page and search engine in order to use the new version. I have no interest in changing my start page nor using their start engine, and when I refused to change it, the new version wouldn’t install. What’s up with that?
When replying to an email with one or more indented blue vertical lines,click “Format” (on the toolbar)and click “Plain Text”. The blue lines will disappear— Now, click “Format” then “HTML”and you will be back to HTML format.You will loose any pictures they– wont show in plain text– but I’m pretty sure you can add pictures once you are back in html.
Conny – I had the same problem saving the hints, so, after much trial and error, I now highlight what I want to copy, right click in it, click “copy”, then make myself a new email TO MYSELF and after right clicking in the blank body, click “paste” and then at least I have it From there I can either print or forward or (as I do) make it a Word document and then save that to My Doc’s. Though this sounds a bit convoluted, it’s really not (believe me on that one!), and it does work. Then, when you do this with more than one hint, you’ve already made yourself a Document folder and, after you save your Word document to My Doc’s, all you have to do is move the new one into it. Good luck!
ok…finally found the forum…but!! no matter how many time I type in the security codes, (which are barely visible) I continue to get an error message.
Is there anyone who can help with this?? I am getting really frustrated.
I have just gotten a new HP computer and Norton anti virus is always wanting me to start their program, apparently they are on here somewhere. Is it safe to just delete them?? Will that totally get rid of them? Or will it damage something else? I have installed windows security anti virus. Thanks!
You have to download the Symantec Norton Removal Tool to remove Norton from your computer. You can’t simply delete it. Using control panel to remove Norton doesn’t work either – it leave a lot of the program on your computer.
I also got a new hp with Norton. I used the uninstall Norton option. Is that not enough?If not, will the removal tool still work if I have “uninstalled” Norton?
I wouldn’t use anything that wouldn’t “allow” me to use my computer as I wished. If Avira can’t tell a good file from a bad file, maybe you should make the change to something that can. There is nothing harmful about Phoxo.
I couldn’t install google googles…they said i didn’t have a devise….i have a pendigital tablet with a camera…whats up..
Mary ragno
I would love to have the app..
I also have not received Cloudeight Info Avenue Weekly for the last (3) weeks. So went online and subscribed again. I just rec’d confirmation, hope I see it Friday.
Help pls! I found this, ApnStub.exe sitting in my documents folder. It says it comes from Pretty sure I never downloaded this thing. I ran it through spyware & Maleware and they found nothing bad. BUT is it bad? I don’t trust Ask,com Thanks again
All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere I was ‘blessed’ with yet another toolbar!!! Grrrr! I did a couple of updates and I assume it was hiding in there somewhere, even though I try to be careful…*sigh* This one is conduit and seems to be connected to bing. It even changed my home page!!! (I cannot, I repeat, cannot deal with any homepage but cloudeight!!) I did manage to get the toolbar off of IE and Chrome and got my homepage back, but despite several tries could not get it off Firefox…….so as of right not Firefox is uninstalled from my machine. Will try a reinstall later……..after I’ve cooled down a little. I cannot abide a program that changes my choice of homepage or whatever!!
I still haven’t rec’d the weekly InfoAve, so tonight I resubscribed this evening. Hope it works. A fews weeks ago Norton downloaded it self and over-rode my virus and malware called Sophos, I have not been able to find or use it. Norton downloaded while I was doing something else. It was all done when I noticed it. It is a 60 day free trial. I wanted to get rid of it but I cannot use Sophos, Norton even over rode where I had it on right side of the bottom tool bar. I have had problems with this new HP computer since I got. It is going back to Staples were the end of this week. I have Malwarebytes installed ( Sophos installed this awhile ago when I had problems. Seeing this computer is warranted I should bring it back resolve the problems I am having. Then maybe I will have you install Emisoft. Well enough tonight, could write you more, but it is time to go to bed. It is almost 12:00 am.
Hope I can get this straiting out.
Have had a lifetime subscription to your Premium Newsletter for a few years. The last newsletter I received was Issue #673. I receive your Daily Info newsletter with no problems. I was also receiving your Free Newsletter, but that has also stopped.
We have sent our Premium and Free newsletters every week for over a decade – we have not missed a single issue. if you didn’t get yours then it’s because your mail program or your ISP or your web mail marked them as spam. Our daily newsletter is sent by Google – a different server than our other newsletters are sent from.
I guess Hotmail is deleting the newsletter. It doesn’t have a Spam Folder, only Junk Folder and it hasn’t put the Premium Newsletter in there. Anyway have tried to find where I can change my address to my g.mail account, but can’t find it. I just subscribed to a life time membership although, I vaguely remember sighing up for the Premium version a few years back. Is thew only way to get to the Premium Newsletter through the signing up for the lifetime membership?
We have sent the newsletter every week for 588 weeks. We don’t want you to pay for another subscription and even if you did the same problem would occur. We send the newsletter every week and we send it to everyone who is on that newsletter list. We don’t skip some and send to some. So the problems isn’t us or the newsletter it’s your email provider; normally Hotmail allows you to mark messages NOT JUNK so they will be put in the inbox next time. I will admit I’m a Gmail users and only have an account for Microsoft things so I’m no expert on Hotmail (
There’s a link at the bottom of each newsletter for changing your account address. Since you’re not getting the newsletters, obviously this won’t work for you. I’ve changed your address on the newsletter and you should get this week’s newsletter on Friday.
Just signed up for ad ware removal. I highly recommend. It was worth every penny it cost. I would also like to say that they fixed my computer the same day. Darcy went above and beyond for me, she happened to be in and did mine within minutes of paying for the removal. Thanks again Darcy.
Perhaps you will notice my name. I am a lifetime subscriber to Infoave Premium for MANY years . However I am having many problems with my ISP and feel that I will not be able to receive my Infoave news letter every Friday. Is there some way I can read it on the web?? Thank you. Tony Lama.
Your ISP does not control you access to Web mail like or Gmail. If your ISP is blocking & censoring your email just get a Web mail account – they can’t control them.
I do not know if I have the correct form or the right place. I know I have been a member for several years, but due to Alzheimer’s I completly forgot about something that was such an important part of my life. In fact I have been deleting the cloudeight information avenue every time it showed up as I did not know where it came from. Until yesterday when the Cloudeight name broke through the fog !!!!! I do not know if I am still a member or not. Could someone there please help me ? The name is Cheryle Salas. The only thing that has changed is my physical address. I will wait anxiously to hear from you. The two of you were the bright part of my life for several years. I am anxious to have that bright spot back.
Your Biggest Fan,
Cheryle Salas
That, after you promoted it and people bought licenses through Cloudeight on the strength of TC & EB’s praise.
It is no longer available and I for one want to know why you stopped promoting it without even informing you customers so that they could take alternatives to.
Gwen… you make a lot of assumptions here. Are you having a problem with Genie?
First you assume that if we promote something we will continue to promote it forever – even if the program changes, the company that makes it is sold to another company, etc. I’m sorry, but this is the real world and things change.
SOME people had problems with Genie Timeline whenever Windows 10 had major updates. Some, but certainly not a majority, and certainly not everyone.
You assume that we knew in advance that major Windows updates would have a negative affect on Genie Timeline for SOME — but certainly not the majority — of Genie users. We had no knowledge of this until it happened. As soon as we became aware that SOME users were having problems with Genie when Windows 10 had major updates, we stopped promoting Genie. And this was not the only reason we made the decision not to further promote Genie… as you’ll see.
Because we don’t promote Genie any longer does not mean Genie is an inferior product or that people who are using it should get rid of it. It still works fine for many users.
We now know that Microsoft intends to release 2 major updates to Windows 10 every year. We have no idea how that will affect Genie Timeline – or any other program. To me it seems that you assuming that we intentionally promoted a product that we didn’t believe in, that we didn’t use, we didn’t test well enough, and doesn’t work. And, Gwen, that’s simply not true.
We’re not going to make an announcement that we don’t recommend that anyone use Genie Timeline anymore – that would be untrue. Many people continue to use Genie Timeline with no problems. And, as far as we know, Genie Timeline 2017 works very well with the current version of Windows 10 (Creators Update). Just because we no longer promote or recommend Genie Timeline, does not mean it doesn’t work or it’s not a good program. All we know was their update cycle was not keeping pace with Microsoft’s update cycle and a few people experienced problems with it… but certainly not everyone.
Finally, as Windows 10 continued to improve, we realize that the need for a 3rd-party backup program was diminishing. Do you assume that we knew this was coming and still promoted Genie Timeline anyway. That’s not true.
What is true, is this: Windows 10 continues to improve it’s built-in backup features. File History & Fresh Start are two great Windows 10 features that give users two ways of backing up and restoring their computers. Fresh Start – a new feature in Windows 10 version 1703 – lets users clean install Windows 10 while keep all there personal files (pictures, documents, videos, music). File History backs up all user data/personal files/ and can be configured to backup many users settings and preferences.
I’m sorry you feel are shysters who take advantage of our readers and subscribers. That’s not true. It is now 8:47 AM. Darcy and I have already helped over 2 dozen people who wrote us with questions or asked for help. Every one of them received an answer. Some we reserved to answer in the newsletter. None of them had to pay for the help.
We are not obligated to make an announcement should we stop recommending something that, as far as we know, continues to work for most of its users. Making an announcement like “We know longer recommend Genie Timeline” conveys the idea that the program is no good – doesn’t work. And that’s not true.
Genie does continue to work well for many users, and any announcement by us that we are no longer recommending Genie, would simply cause them to wonder if there something wrong with Genie – even if they were having no problems with it.
With recent changes in Windows 10 and all its new feature, the need for a 3rd-party backup program has diminished. But if you assume we stopped recommending Genie because there is something wrong with it, you’re wrong. It’s never a good idea to assume.
Why can I not print any of the daily tips ? Even when I click on the print icon it prints other off the wall things .
I don’t know. The pages are printable.
You will need to use contact form at
This contact form LINK doesn’t work.
Hi Marv, all of our contact links work:
So I am not sure which link does not work for you – because they work for us and we get dozens of emails from each of those forms each day.
Questions – I love your stationary but have not been able to use them with Yahoo mail. Am I missing something? Which mail programs will allow me to use the stationary? Thanks for your time.
2 things;

1-is there email stationery for outlook 2003? is not working? i tried going from your newsletter & other sites too. i am assuming that the website is having issues?
Thanks & anyhelp would be great, Tim
Outlook 2003 and newer has no user option to use anything by Microsoft Word as editor. Since Word does not write standard HTML you’re stuck with using templates. HTML stationery won’t work.
PrintWhatYouLike is working fine.
I haven’t received approval to post questions yet – not sure why, since it’s been a week. But I’m wondering what’s up with IncrediMail and this new facebook thing. I started to update my IncrediMail, and it’s requiring that I use their start page and search engine in order to use the new version. I have no interest in changing my start page nor using their start engine, and when I refused to change it, the new version wouldn’t install. What’s up with that?
I remember how to get carets out of email messages but I forgot how to get rid of the blue lines. Thanks
When replying to an email with one or more indented blue vertical lines,click “Format” (on the toolbar)and click “Plain Text”. The blue lines will disappear— Now, click “Format” then “HTML”and you will be back to HTML format.You will loose any pictures they– wont show in plain text– but I’m pretty sure you can add pictures once you are back in html.
Conny – I had the same problem saving the hints, so, after much trial and error, I now highlight what I want to copy, right click in it, click “copy”, then make myself a new email TO MYSELF and after right clicking in the blank body, click “paste” and then at least I have it From there I can either print or forward or (as I do) make it a Word document and then save that to My Doc’s. Though this sounds a bit convoluted, it’s really not (believe me on that one!), and it does work. Then, when you do this with more than one hint, you’ve already made yourself a Document folder and, after you save your Word document to My Doc’s, all you have to do is move the new one into it. Good luck!
ok…finally found the forum…but!! no matter how many time I type in the security codes, (which are barely visible) I continue to get an error message.
Is there anyone who can help with this?? I am getting really frustrated.
This is not a forum. If you have questions regarding the forum write to support/at/
there is a link at the top that says “Forum”.
Is that not a forum?
Do you recommend the use of Google Chrome? What are the benefits?
I have just gotten a new HP computer and Norton anti virus is always wanting me to start their program, apparently they are on here somewhere. Is it safe to just delete them?? Will that totally get rid of them? Or will it damage something else? I have installed windows security anti virus. Thanks!
You have to download the Symantec Norton Removal Tool to remove Norton from your computer. You can’t simply delete it. Using control panel to remove Norton doesn’t work either – it leave a lot of the program on your computer.
I also got a new hp with Norton. I used the uninstall Norton option. Is that not enough?If not, will the removal tool still work if I have “uninstalled” Norton?
My Avira will not allow me to download Phoxo.
what can I do?
I wouldn’t use anything that wouldn’t “allow” me to use my computer as I wished. If Avira can’t tell a good file from a bad file, maybe you should make the change to something that can. There is nothing harmful about Phoxo.
Is Keypass Password Safe a reputable program? Is it really secure?
I couldn’t install google googles…they said i didn’t have a devise….i have a pendigital tablet with a camera…whats up..
Mary ragno
I would love to have the app..
Cloudeight Information Avenue Weekly Newsletter has stoped coming??
Nope the free version has been sent weekly for over 500 weeks, Premium for 460 weeks.
I also have not received Cloudeight Info Avenue Weekly for the last (3) weeks. So went online and subscribed again. I just rec’d confirmation, hope I see it Friday.
Help pls! I found this, ApnStub.exe sitting in my documents folder. It says it comes from Pretty sure I never downloaded this thing. I ran it through spyware & Maleware and they found nothing bad. BUT is it bad? I don’t trust Ask,com Thanks again
All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere I was ‘blessed’ with yet another toolbar!!! Grrrr! I did a couple of updates and I assume it was hiding in there somewhere, even though I try to be careful…*sigh* This one is conduit and seems to be connected to bing. It even changed my home page!!! (I cannot, I repeat, cannot deal with any homepage but cloudeight!!) I did manage to get the toolbar off of IE and Chrome and got my homepage back, but despite several tries could not get it off Firefox…….so as of right not Firefox is uninstalled from my machine. Will try a reinstall later……..after I’ve cooled down a little. I cannot abide a program that changes my choice of homepage or whatever!!
I still haven’t rec’d the weekly InfoAve, so tonight I resubscribed this evening. Hope it works. A fews weeks ago Norton downloaded it self and over-rode my virus and malware called Sophos, I have not been able to find or use it. Norton downloaded while I was doing something else. It was all done when I noticed it. It is a 60 day free trial. I wanted to get rid of it but I cannot use Sophos, Norton even over rode where I had it on right side of the bottom tool bar. I have had problems with this new HP computer since I got. It is going back to Staples were the end of this week. I have Malwarebytes installed ( Sophos installed this awhile ago when I had problems. Seeing this computer is warranted I should bring it back resolve the problems I am having. Then maybe I will have you install Emisoft. Well enough tonight, could write you more, but it is time to go to bed. It is almost 12:00 am.
Hope I can get this straiting out.
Have had a lifetime subscription to your Premium Newsletter for a few years. The last newsletter I received was Issue #673. I receive your Daily Info newsletter with no problems. I was also receiving your Free Newsletter, but that has also stopped.
We have sent our Premium and Free newsletters every week for over a decade – we have not missed a single issue. if you didn’t get yours then it’s because your mail program or your ISP or your web mail marked them as spam. Our daily newsletter is sent by Google – a different server than our other newsletters are sent from.
I guess Hotmail is deleting the newsletter. It doesn’t have a Spam Folder, only Junk Folder and it hasn’t put the Premium Newsletter in there. Anyway have tried to find where I can change my address to my g.mail account, but can’t find it. I just subscribed to a life time membership although, I vaguely remember sighing up for the Premium version a few years back. Is thew only way to get to the Premium Newsletter through the signing up for the lifetime membership?
We have sent the newsletter every week for 588 weeks. We don’t want you to pay for another subscription and even if you did the same problem would occur. We send the newsletter every week and we send it to everyone who is on that newsletter list. We don’t skip some and send to some. So the problems isn’t us or the newsletter it’s your email provider; normally Hotmail allows you to mark messages NOT JUNK so they will be put in the inbox next time. I will admit I’m a Gmail users and only have an account for Microsoft things so I’m no expert on Hotmail (
There’s a link at the bottom of each newsletter for changing your account address. Since you’re not getting the newsletters, obviously this won’t work for you. I’ve changed your address on the newsletter and you should get this week’s newsletter on Friday.
Just signed up for ad ware removal. I highly recommend. It was worth every penny it cost. I would also like to say that they fixed my computer the same day. Darcy went above and beyond for me, she happened to be in and did mine within minutes of paying for the removal. Thanks again Darcy.
Thanks for using Cloudeight Direct, Pat – and thanks for your nice comments too.
Was wondering if I’m subscribe to infoave Newsletter for life, please let me know ThankYou!
Go to and make a donation of any amount and we’ll give you a lifetime subscription to InfoAve Premium.
Perhaps you will notice my name. I am a lifetime subscriber to Infoave Premium for MANY years . However I am having many problems with my ISP and feel that I will not be able to receive my Infoave news letter every Friday. Is there some way I can read it on the web?? Thank you. Tony Lama.
You can read our InfoAve Premium newsletter here:
Your ISP does not control you access to Web mail like or Gmail. If your ISP is blocking & censoring your email just get a Web mail account – they can’t control them.
I do not know if I have the correct form or the right place. I know I have been a member for several years, but due to Alzheimer’s I completly forgot about something that was such an important part of my life. In fact I have been deleting the cloudeight information avenue every time it showed up as I did not know where it came from. Until yesterday when the Cloudeight name broke through the fog !!!!! I do not know if I am still a member or not. Could someone there please help me ? The name is Cheryle Salas. The only thing that has changed is my physical address. I will wait anxiously to hear from you. The two of you were the bright part of my life for several years. I am anxious to have that bright spot back.
Your Biggest Fan,
Cheryle Salas
Darcy took care of this for you, Cheryle — you were contacted personally via Email.
Where did GENIE TIMELINE HOME disappear to?
That, after you promoted it and people bought licenses through Cloudeight on the strength of TC & EB’s praise.
It is no longer available and I for one want to know why you stopped promoting it without even informing you customers so that they could take alternatives to.
Will await some sort of reply.
Gwen… you make a lot of assumptions here. Are you having a problem with Genie?
First you assume that if we promote something we will continue to promote it forever – even if the program changes, the company that makes it is sold to another company, etc. I’m sorry, but this is the real world and things change.
SOME people had problems with Genie Timeline whenever Windows 10 had major updates. Some, but certainly not a majority, and certainly not everyone.
You assume that we knew in advance that major Windows updates would have a negative affect on Genie Timeline for SOME — but certainly not the majority — of Genie users. We had no knowledge of this until it happened. As soon as we became aware that SOME users were having problems with Genie when Windows 10 had major updates, we stopped promoting Genie. And this was not the only reason we made the decision not to further promote Genie… as you’ll see.
Because we don’t promote Genie any longer does not mean Genie is an inferior product or that people who are using it should get rid of it. It still works fine for many users.
We now know that Microsoft intends to release 2 major updates to Windows 10 every year. We have no idea how that will affect Genie Timeline – or any other program. To me it seems that you assuming that we intentionally promoted a product that we didn’t believe in, that we didn’t use, we didn’t test well enough, and doesn’t work. And, Gwen, that’s simply not true.
We’re not going to make an announcement that we don’t recommend that anyone use Genie Timeline anymore – that would be untrue. Many people continue to use Genie Timeline with no problems. And, as far as we know, Genie Timeline 2017 works very well with the current version of Windows 10 (Creators Update). Just because we no longer promote or recommend Genie Timeline, does not mean it doesn’t work or it’s not a good program. All we know was their update cycle was not keeping pace with Microsoft’s update cycle and a few people experienced problems with it… but certainly not everyone.
Finally, as Windows 10 continued to improve, we realize that the need for a 3rd-party backup program was diminishing. Do you assume that we knew this was coming and still promoted Genie Timeline anyway. That’s not true.
What is true, is this: Windows 10 continues to improve it’s built-in backup features. File History & Fresh Start are two great Windows 10 features that give users two ways of backing up and restoring their computers. Fresh Start – a new feature in Windows 10 version 1703 – lets users clean install Windows 10 while keep all there personal files (pictures, documents, videos, music). File History backs up all user data/personal files/ and can be configured to backup many users settings and preferences.
I’m sorry you feel are shysters who take advantage of our readers and subscribers. That’s not true. It is now 8:47 AM. Darcy and I have already helped over 2 dozen people who wrote us with questions or asked for help. Every one of them received an answer. Some we reserved to answer in the newsletter. None of them had to pay for the help.
We are not obligated to make an announcement should we stop recommending something that, as far as we know, continues to work for most of its users. Making an announcement like “We know longer recommend Genie Timeline” conveys the idea that the program is no good – doesn’t work. And that’s not true.
Genie does continue to work well for many users, and any announcement by us that we are no longer recommending Genie, would simply cause them to wonder if there something wrong with Genie – even if they were having no problems with it.
With recent changes in Windows 10 and all its new feature, the need for a 3rd-party backup program has diminished. But if you assume we stopped recommending Genie because there is something wrong with it, you’re wrong. It’s never a good idea to assume.