Cloudeight InfoAve Premium Issue #811 Volume 16 Number 27 April 26, 2019 Dear Friends, Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Premium issue #811. Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much! ![]() Help us by sharing us on your Facebook page! Do you use Facebook? If you have a Facebook page, please help us by sharing us on Facebook. You can help us by sharing one of our articles or pages. You can also help us by sharing over 4000 computer tips and tricks on our InfoAve web site at http://thundercloud.net/infoave/new/ or our Facebook page at https://facebook.com/cloud8internet. If you have used our products and services and are pleased, mention us on your Facebook page. Thanks so much for your help! ![]() ![]() LAST WEEKEND FOR THIS OFFER! It's springtime and it's time to get your computer ready for summer. With our new Spring Cleanup service, we'll make that EASY for you. We'll check your PC, clean it up, optimize it and get it ready for summer... Here's what we'll do for you:
your Spring Cleanup today! Just $30 and only for a very limited time.
*Our Spring Cleanup Service does not include repairs. If repairs are needed, we'll give you a special price on our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care repair service.
![]() ![]() Nigel gets the infamous blackmail spam Hi. Thank you for all your help over the years. I have a problem. I received an email yesterday from a person on my email list when I opened it it was a picture to be opened. I had no reason to think this was a problem. When it was opened it was a long screed in French (I am in France). threatening me that if I did not pay in Bitcoin in 48 hours they would send details of private things on my PC to other people. I have tried to contact the person who allegedly sent it, unfortunately, they are away. My initial reaction is to ignore this. Can you tell me if I should do anything else? Thank you, Nigel. Our answer HI Nigel. We get dozens of these every week. They're just sophisticated spam trying to scare you so the criminals who send them can take their victims' money. You'll never be able to contact who sent it since a criminal isn't going to expose a real name or email address. He or she is not interested in hearing from you, he or she is only interested in scaring you enough so you'll pay money. When you see one, don't read it, just delete it. It probably won't be the last one you see, unfortunately. Thanks for your support over the years - and your nice comments. ------ Nigel wrote back: "Thank you that is what I thought I just wanted to be sure. Thank you again for all your help over the years. Nigel" ![]() Trish wants to know why, all of a sudden, our site says "Not secure"? Hi, could you please tell me why I’m now receiving the warning of “Not Secure” beside the thundercloud.net name on my home page, which is yours? This actually started last night. I’m not sure why it’s there to begin with. I hope you can help me because I do enjoy Cloudeight as my home page. I’ve been using it for years, only now I’m concerned. Thank you kindly, Trish Our answer Hi Trish. Google Chrome labels all sites that are not https:// (secure servers) as not secure. Since we don't collect any personal information or do any direct sales (all our Sales are done on secure servers by PayPal) we are not running on secure servers. It's costly and time consuming to switch an entire site to secure servers. You may have just noticed it but it's been this way since July 2018. Please see our article here and read our article here. Those articles should explain secure servers and why secure servers don't always mean "safe". If you have any more questions, please let me know. We would never do anything to put our friends and visitors at risk. ![]() Rosemarie wants to know how to split her computer screen Dear Friends. Thank you for your constant companionship and help in your newsletters. Living in the deep south of France where nothing goes and being very much a senior (82) without "computer-speak" I do occasionally need help. How do I split the screen either left-right or above and below? I have a long translation to do and need to be able to see what I have to do and what I have done. Thank you so much and best regards. Our answer Hi Rosemarie. Thanks so much for your very nice comments and your support. You can move program Windows to left, right, up, or down by using the Windows key and the arrow keys. You can actually split the screen into 2, 3 or 4 sections this way. Windows Key + Left Arrow moves the window to the left side of the screen. Windows Key+ Right Arrow moves the window to the right side of the screen. Windows Key + Down Arrow moves the window to the bottom of the screen. Windows Key + Up Arrow moves the window to the top half of the screen. By using the Windows Key and Arrow Keys you can "Split" the screen into four quadrants. Hope this helps you, Rosemarie. ![]()
Maureen got a new printer but nearly gets scammed on the
installation software and drivers
Colin is getting a new PC and is concerned about his Chrome
With our
Windows 10 Transformation service, we will:
Save $10 and get your Windows 10 Transformation Service Key right now! ![]() ![]() How to Remove Personal Data From Your Digital Photos Windows 10 (all versions) Did you know that when you take a photo with your digital camera, tablet camera or phone camera, a lot of information is added to the photo? Almost all digital image files typically contain information about the date and time the photo was taken, camera (or digital device) manufacturer make and model (and often the serial number), camera settings such as aperture and shutter speed, and in the case of smartphones, even the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken are added This information is called metadata and is referred to as Exif (Exchangeable image file format). It’s a worldwide standard that specifies formats for files recorded by digital cameras. However, none of this information is added by the user when the photo is taken; it’s automatically added by the device or digital camera you used to take the picture. But when you or someone you share the picture with opens it, all you or they see is the photo itself. But there’s usually a lot of invisible info hiding inside of a digital photo. Windows 10 gives you the option to remove all or most of this data from the picture, with a couple of clicks. It’s easy to do, and we are going to walk you through the process step by step. Don’t worry, it could not be easier. Find a photo on your PC that you took with your digital device (camera, phone, tablet) and right click it.
Now click on Properties and then click the Details tab.
The devil’s in the details. You can see a lot of information is stored about the picture you took when you look at the details. See the screenshots above and below.
If you want to remove some or all of that information, near the bottom of Properties > Details, you’ll see a link that says “Remove Properties and Personal Information”. When you click that, you see the following:
You have a choice of creating a copy of the photo with all possible properties removed. This is a good choice if you want to keep the original and share the copy that will be created. The copy will have all possible data removed and that’s the one you’d post online or share on Facebook, etc. Or (see below), you can pick and choose the details you want to remove from the picture. Or select them all using the “Select all” button. When you choose this option, the changes are applied to the original photo and a copy is not created.
Keep in mind, this is not going to defeat forensic scientists bent
on finding arcane personal data. But it will remove Exif data from
your photos well enough so that it can’t be retrieved by the average
user. If you need help with your printer, type in the site’s web address, for instance, http://www.hp.com/ or https://www.canon.com. If you need help, click on support, If you need support for Windows, don’t go searching for Microsoft support. Go to www.microsoft.com and click on support – or get help right from your PC. If you need drivers don’t search for anything using the word drivers. If you have an NVidia display adapter that you need drivers for, go to NVidia’s web site. If you need help with a Dell computer, go to Dell’s web site. If you must search for anything having to do with a driver or product support, remember this – only the name before the dot.com or dot.net or dot.org or dot.biz, or dot.tv, etc. in a URL (website address) is the actual domain. For instance, the following web address is not for Dell support: dell.support.geeksrus.com. It is not a Dell site at all – it’s a geekrus site. Likewise, mircosoft.support.wegotcha.com is not a Microsoft site – it’s a wegotcha site, and if you click on a link like that, believe me, they gotcha! Let’s take a test: 1.) Which of the following 3 URLs belongs to Microsoft? A. microsoft.support.com B. support.microsoft.com C. .microsoft.windows-support.com Answer? Only “B” is a Microsoft Site. 2.) Which of the following belong to HP? A. hp.com B. support.hp.com C .hp-drivers.softonic.com D. hp-printer.drivers.com If you said “A” and “B” you’re right. Both A and B are HP sites. C and D are not. If you learn how to read a URL you’re on the way to safer browsing – and searching. Be careful what you search for and learn how to read URLs
(Web site addresses). Always pay attention to the words/names right before the
dot com, dot net, dot. org, etc. in a URL (website address). Windows 10 (all versions) Note: While this tip was written for Windows 10, you can also change the command prompt colors and fonts in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 as well. We have a lot of tips that require you to open a command prompt. And when you do, most of you see a black box with small white text that can be hard to read.
But you don’t have to put up with hard to read fonts or that stark, foreboding black background I tells you. You can take command of the command prompt and it’s not hard. First, let’s open a command prompt with administrator privileges. 1.) Type CMD in taskbar search. When it appears at the top right-click on it and choose Run as Administrator. 2.) When the command prompt opens, right-click on its title bar and choose “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
3.) Let’s change the font and the font size and make it bold too, for easy viewing. In the “Properties” dialog (below), click on the “Font” tab at the top. Choose a size, a font, and make it bold if you like. If you want to leave the background black, you can click “OK” after changing the font, font size, and font style. But if you want to change the background color and or the font color, you have more to do.
4.) To change the background color and/or the font color, click on the “Colors” tab in command prompt properties dialog. Select “Screen Text” then click on a color in the color bar, if you know your RGBs, you can use a custom color. Don’t spend too much time on this, the available colors should work just fine. Select “Screen Background” to change the background color of the command prompt window. Again you can choose one of the color bars, or if you’re a fussy RGB’er you can choose Red, Green, Blue settings. But really, you should spend that much time on this.
Make sure you click “OK” to save your changes. And that’s it, you’re done. If you want to further customize the command prompt you can change the popup dialog background font colors, and you can even set a customized size for the command prompt window. You can explore the other tabs in the command prompt “Properties” dialog, but for us just changing the font, font-size, font-style, font-color and command prompt background was good enough. Now you can see the large, bold yellow font on a blue background is much easier to read than the small faded white font on a black background that is the command prompt’s default.
Want to minimize all other open program windows except the one you’re working in? It’s easy. Grab the title bar of the window want to stay open and move it back and forth quickly (shake it up). After you shake it a couple of times the window you shook will remain open and all other program windows will be minimized. Shake it a couple of times again, and all the minimized windows are back.
Want to take a quick screenshot of your computer’s screen? No problemo! Hold down the Windows Key and click the PrntScr (Print Screen) key. Now look in your Pictures folder. You’ll find a folder inside Pictures called Screenshots. You’ll find your screenshot there. Take as many screenshots as you want this way, Windows will save them all in C:\Users\Your User Name\Pictures\Screenshots as screenshot(1),png, screenshot(2).png, screenshot(3).png, and so on. And, yes, of course, you can rename them.
Did you know that you can open the “Properties” dialog of any file or folder in File Explorer by holding down the ALT key and clicking on it?. You can and it’s a super fast way to do it. Try it. Open File Explorer (Windows Key + E). Now hold down the ALT key and click on any file or folder. Voila! The file or folder’s “Properties” dialog will open.
Sometimes the best Windows tips and tricks are the easiest ones.
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We understand why websites display ads… our site does. It’s a source of revenue. But some sites get carried away. And we don’t understand that because it ruins it for everybody. Why sites would display so many ads as to annoy its visitors is beyond my comprehension. Some sites have so many flashing, floating, content-burying ads, they are almost impossible to use. It makes no sense. Yet, there are tens of thousands of Web sites that cram so many ads on one page you can hardly see the page. So we totally understand why so many of you use ad blockers. Today we’re going to tell you about an ad blocker called uBlock Origin which is the best ad blocker we’ve ever tested. uBlock Origin was suggested to us by David Biggar, a security expert at Emsisoft. Having a recommendation from someone like David gets our attention. So we decided to take a look and see what uBlock Origin is all about. We were impressed. We know many of you use AdBlock Plus – it’s the most popular ad blocker, by far. But like a lot of programs that started out free, they discovered a way to make money while staying free – and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you use AdBlock Plus, you’ve probably noticed you still see some ads. This is because some advertisers pay AdBlock Plus not to block their ads. AdBlock Plus calls these ads “Acceptable” uBlock Origin is totally free – and blocks all ads. There are no acceptable ads. It also allows you more control over website and also allows you to pinpoint and block annoying page content. It also allows users to whitelist sites so those sites’ ads are displayed. Why would you want to whitelist a site? Well, for example, we make a little bit each month for the ads displayed on our site. We don’t use floating ads, popup ads, interstitial ads, or any ads that distract from the content. We need the little bit of revenue these ads generate. So you can help us by not blocking ads on our site. With uBlock Origin, it’s as easy as adding “thundercloud.net” to uBlock Origin’s whitelist. We’ll tell you more about that a bit later. Let’s take a closer look at uBlock Origin. uBlock Origin works in Chrome, Chromium-based browsers, Firefox, Opera, and the current version of Edge. We installed it from the Chrome Web Store in the Dev version of the new Chromium-based Edge. If you’re using Chrome or the new Chromium-based Edge (beta) you can open your browser and navigate to http://tinyurl.com/mg6fabu You’ll be able to install the extension directly from that page. If you’re using Firefox, Opera, or the current version (non-beta version) of Edge, we have links for you near the bottom of this article.
Installing it in Chrome and the dev (beta) version of Edge was quick and simple.
Above: As you browse the web you’ll see how many ads and requests were blocked – both from the page you’re on and the total number of items blocked since installation. We had only been using uBlock Origin for about 10 minutes and it had already blocked 422 ads and page requests. Below: You can see from the screenshots below, that uBlock Origin is easy to configure the way you want it.
Above: uBlock Origin gives you a lot of control over the types of elements blocked. You can see we’re about to block “large media elements”. In other words those annoying video ads you see on many pages.
There are even more settings available on the uBlock Origin dashboard. To open the Dashboard, click on the uBlock Origin icon in your browser, then click “slider-bar” icon in uBlock Origin.
The dashboard (shown below) will open.
Below: If you’re not sure what a setting does — “Cosmetic filtering” for example — just click the encircled “i” for more details and information.
Finally, if you want to exempt web site from ad filtering – in other words, you want to support a small site by allowing advising on a site, it’s easy to do. In the uBlock Origin dashboard, click on the “Whitelist” tab. Type site’s URL (minus the http:// or https://, and www) you want to allow to show you ads. As you can see in the screenshot below, I’ve added thundercloud.net to whitelist. If you install uBlock Origin, please consider adding us to the Whitelist. If you have a Cloudeight SeniorPass, we’ll be glad to configure uBlock Origin for you.
uBlock Origin is freeware and available for most popular browsers. Here are the download links for all supported browsers Chrome & Chromium-based Edge Firefox Opera Microsoft Edge (non-Chromium/Standard Edge) Thanks to David Biggar from Emsisoft for
bringing uBlock Origin to our attention.
the rest of this essay here. Make a small donation and help us help you!If you don't need any of our products or services right now, please help us with a donation. Even the smallest gift is appreciated. Every donation helps us to provide useful information that helps you with your computer as well as helping to keep you safe on the Internet. We offer free help to thousands of people every year... and we offer an honest and inexpensive computer repair service too. We do everything we can to help you with your computer and keep you safe too.So if you don't need any our products or services right now, please consider helping us with a small donation. If you're not a Cloudeight Booster already, you'll be invited to join our boosters after you make a donation of any amount. Our boosters get freebies and special booster-only offers Please help us by making a donation right now. Thank you! ![]() ![]() What are Windows lifecycles? "Every Windows product has a lifecycle. The lifecycle begins when a product is released and ends when it's no longer supported. Knowing key dates in this lifecycle helps you make informed decisions about when to upgrade or make other changes to your software.Now here's the stuff you really want to know - the end of support for your version of Windows: Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) - January 14, 2020 Windows 8.1 - January 10, 2023 Windows 10 Version Lifecycles Windows 10 1507 (original Windows 10) 5/9/2017 (no longer supported) Windows 10 1511 (November Update) 4/10/2018 Windows 10 1607 (Anniversary Update) 2/2/2019 Windows 10 1703 (Creators Update) 10/5/2019 Windows 10 1709 (Fall Creators Update) 4/17/2020 Windows 10 1803 (April 2018 Update) 10/30/2020 Windows 10 1809 (October 2018 Update) April 2021 (estimated) Windows 10 1903 (May 2019 Update) October 2021 (estimated) And now you're up-to-date on Microsoft Windows lifecycles. ![]() Sales of the following products and services help support our newsletters, websites, and free computer help services we provide. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care: Single Keys or Season Tickets - always a great deal. Cloudeight Direct Computer Care is like having PC insurance. Get more information here. Emsisoft Anti-Malware: Emsisoft is the only Cloudeight endorsed and recommend Windows security program. It provides users with a complete antivirus, antimalware, anti-ransomware, anti-PUPs solution. We offer single Emsisoft licenses and multi-computer licenses at discount prices. Also, we offer our exclusive Emsisoft with Cloudeight installation & setup. Get more information here. Thunderbird Email Setup: Thunderbird is a great email program that you can use with your Gmail and Outlook.com (Hotmail) webmail accounts as well as with your Internet provider's email. We'll set it up right for you. Our set up includes configuring up to 3 emails accounts and setting up Thunderbird to use stationery (if desired). Our Thunderbird Email Setup Service is always a great deal. For more information visit this page. Reg Organizer 8.20: Reg Organizer is the Swiss Army Knife of Windows tools. It's far more than just a registry optimizer and cleaner... it's Windows all-in-one toolkit. Helps you keep your computer in tip-top shape and helps solve annoying Windows problems. Reg Organizer works great with Windows 10 too! Get more information about Reg Organizer (and get our special discount prices) here. ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() These products and services are recommended and endorsed by Cloudeight:
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