Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium
Issue #833
Volume 16 Number 49
September 27, 2019

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Cloudeight InfoAve Premium issue #833. Thank you very much for subscribing and for being a part of our Cloudeight family. We appreciate your friendship and support very much!

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Cloudeight Direct Family Pak


 Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Family Pack

If you have more than one computer user in your home - or you have family members who would benefit from our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Service, this offer is for you!

For a limited time - you can get 3 Cloudeight Direct Computer Care keys that you can use yourself or share with family members or friends. These keys are fully transferable. And like all our Cloudeight Direct Computer Keys, they never expire. They are good until you use them. 

Our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care keys are good for all kinds of computer repairs, checkups, optimization, malware removal and a whole lot more.

Take advantage of this limited time offer! Learn more about and/or get your Cloudeight Direct Family Pack here.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Reader's Comments
A comment from Elaine
I have benefited so much from reading your InfoAve Daily newsletter. Thank you, Elaine.

A comment from Marilyn
Dear Darcy & TC. Many thanks for organising the Emsisoft to update correctly & it has. I always read everyone's comments on the newsletters and I absolutely understand their appreciation & gratitude for all that you do for us all. I do also. You go beyond anything we have come to expect from stores and technicians. For myself, I wouldn't trust anyone else. You are the ones to go to, & I've explained that to my friends... Thank you both so much for everything that you do for us all. My very best wishes to you both, Marilyn.

A comment from Arnie
Thanks, TC. Thank you again for fixing my computer. I am sorry it so long. I try and do what you folks say, but I may have done something else :( .

A comment from Judy
Just thought I'd let you know my computer is running so awesome thanks to TC and Darcy and all the great tips they have given us through the years through the weekly newsletters. When they fix your computer, it is fixed. And it has been such a long time since I have needed assistance with mine because of the great job they do. So just dropping in to say hello, don't need a thing right now, but I'm sure I will one of these days. Just wanted you to know I'm still one of your greatest fans, and NOBODY works on my computer but Darcy and TC. Just always want to give credit where credit is due. And at least a thank you to those who deserve so much more, for their time, their help and their knowledge that keeps us oldies hanging in there.

A comment from Linda
Dear TC, You rock! Your information was enough for my husband to get my computer all cleaned up and ready to go. He’s the techie of the two of us, and even he was getting pretty frustrated. I now know that all those kind things that people say about you are true. I was just thrilled that you actually answered my question, and in such a short amount of time was remarkable. Again, I thank you. God bless you and have a great weekend, at least what’s left of it. ?? I will certainly remain another loyal reader of your newsletter.

A big Cloudeight "Thank you!" to Elaine, Marilyn, Arnie, Judy, Linda, and everyone else who took time out to write to us, share a comment and/or share us on Facebook! We appreciate your kind words and your support very much! EB & TC. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight Direct Computer Care

Your Purchase Helps Us!,
When you purchase any Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Service, you get the best computer care and repair, at the lowest possible price. Plus, each Cloudeight Direct Computer Care service you purchase goes a long way in helping to support our small business.

Your computer fixed - while you watch!
With our Cloudeight Computer Care, we'll fix your computer while you watch. You'll be getting the best computer repair service available, at the best price, from people you trust. Our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care single repair keys are a great deal. They are good until you use them.

For more information see our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care home page!

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Here are some important links for you:

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Cloudeight InfoAve

Sandie wants to know what happened to her Windows colors
Hello. I wanted to change the color of my taskbar and desktop background, and I had no problems changing the theme for my desktop background, but during the process, for some reason, the original start menu suddenly went from black to a funny pinkish gray-color, and my taskbar turned the same color.

I went into settings, and tried to change the color of my start and taskbar color, but the box that you mark to direct this action is faded or greyed out, and I am unable to choose that option. I don't know what happened to cause this, or how. Any suggestions?

Also, where has the InfoAve forum disappeared to? Thank you for any help you can provide. Sandie.

Our answer
Hi Sandie. The forum has been down for almost 3 years now, it was too costly to maintain, sorry to say.

As for your question on Windows colors, we can tell you this. You won't be able to colorize your taskbar & start menu until you make sure all the settings are correct.

See the following page for complete instructions:

If your settings are not set exactly that way, you will not be able to colorize the menus or the taskbar.

Also -- when you use themes, you allow them to change your default colors. So don't be surprised if you change themes and your taskbar & start menu change colors and you can't change them back unless you reset your settings as described on the page above.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Binnie has Windows 7 and after the last update has no sound
Windows has updated my computer and the sound was lost. A friend went through all the suggested fixes: Microsoft, YouTube, etc. All the Drivers are working. Nothing worked. As a last resort, he did a system restore back to a few days prior to the update. It worked and the sound was back. But horror of horrors it automatically did an update again and the sound was lost again. Will the next lot of updates fix it?  I will be updating to Windows 10 soon but meantime is there a permanent fix for this?

Our answer
Hi Binnie. Check with your sound card manufacturer's web site to make sure you have the correct driver installed. If you do, then you're only options are to turn off Windows updates - not a good idea - or hide the update that is causing you problems. Hiding the update will prevent it from reinstalling.

Open Control Panel, and then click System and Security.
The System and Security window appears.

Click Windows Update.
The Windows Update window appears.

Click the link indicating that updates are available.
The Select Updates to Install window appears.

Right-click the update that you would like to hide and click Hide Update. Click OK.
The update is removed from the list of available updates. When it's removed it will not reinstall.

I have no idea what the next round of Windows 7 updates will be or even if the problem you're having is isolated or general since I don't know the KB# of the update that caused your problems - or even if it was caused by an update.

Keep in mind Windows 7 will no longer be supported after January 14, 2020. After that date, you will not receive any updates and that includes critical security updates and patches which will leave your computer vulnerable.

The update to Windows 10 is still available free and we can offer you help with the upgrade as well as make your Windows 10 PC look and work a lot like Windows 7. See this page for details.

Let us know if you need more help.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Milo mistakenly created a new Gmail account and now can't access his old account
A friend, Jerry, has suggested you may perhaps be able to help me with a problem I am having with Gmail. Yesterday when I opened my Gmail account, inadvertently established a new account as (adding my middle initial). My original account is Now I am unable to get into my original account. Attempts to open my original account result in the new account coming up with no data from the original account.

Can you help? Thanks, Milo.

Our answer
Hi, Milo. Please tell Jerry thank you for sending you our way.

My guess is you have your browser "remembering" your account info, so when you go to, you are seeing the new one. Here are a couple of workarounds:

1. Use a different browser (i.e., Edge, Chrome, Firefox) and log in to the old one - that way your "new Gmail" won't be AutoSaved. Or try using your default browsers "private" or incognito mode.


2. If you are using Gmail on Chrome, once you have logged in, look in the upper right-hand corner of your screen for your Gmail logo, click it and you will see a drop-down menu - choose "Add another Gmail account" and then you can add the old one you were unable to access.


3. Log in to whichever of the two you want as "main" account, and have that account check the other Gmail account. You can do this in settings, accounts and import. If you need help doing that, we do offer direct care services and could do for you. Please see for more information.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Karen wants to make a Hotkey for a symbol
I read your article about assigning hotkeys for programs. Do you have directions for assigning a hotkey for a symbol? My laptop does not have a number pad. I type a lot of recipes and it would be nice to have a hotkey for the degree symbol. Thanks, Karen

Our answer
Hi Karen. You can only assign Hotkeys to programs. But you can create a taskbar shortcut to Windows Character Map which allows you to create the same symbols and characters as the number pad. All the characters you can make with the number pad you can make with Character Map. such as ª 9° ¢ ⅓ ⅛.

In the taskbar search type Character in taskbar search and you'll see this:

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows Tips & Tricks

Click on Pin to taskbar and you'll have all the characters you want at your fingertips.

You can also open Character Map by opening you Start Menu, Windows Accessories, Character Map. And you can create a shortcut to it from there as well. Right-click on it, click "More" then click "Pin to taskbar".

I hope this helps you, Karen.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Sandy wants to know about Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, and IncrediMail
You have always been the go-to place for the best answer to any question so I was wondering what e-mail accounts might be out there that we can try. I used to love IncrediMail, but not sure if they are still on the OK list, I know all the old ones: Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, but surely there must be other options that we can try. Do have any recommendations? Thank you. Sandy.

Our answer
Hi Sandy. IncrediMail & Outlook are email programs, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, are Webmail applications. You don't need an email program to send or receive mail with Webmail. All you need is a browser (like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer). You can also send and receive Webmail using an email program - that's another option.

We use Gmail for personal and business email. We use (Hotmail, MSN,,, email occasionally. We never use Yahoo Mail (except for testing) since it allowed 3 billion users' personal data stolen.

We have the Outlook mail program, but don't use it. IncrediMail is adware that its developer uses to obtain user information and to display advertising. We would never recommend IncrediMail to anyone.

Currently, we recommend the Thunderbird email program. It's free, it's secure, and there's no security issues or ads with it. It's available from . We even offer a service to help users install it and set it up. You can read more about that service at

We have reviewed ProtonMail (webmail). I just took another look at it and it still looks very good. And I'm sure there are other Webmail apps and there are other email programs out there, but we're not familiar enough with them to recommend them or to warn users to stay away. Email, like a Web browser, is very a personal choice. But we do think IncrediMail & Yahoo mail represent security risks and are not recommended.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

We answer more of your questions from the past week here!

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Make Windows 10 look and work like Windows 7

Microsoft will end support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. Using Windows 7 after that date may put your computer at risk as Microsoft will no longer be releasing security updates and fixes for it. Now's the time to upgrade to Windows 10!

Whether you upgrade your Windows 7 to Windows 10 (still free) or buy a new Windows 10 computer, we can make you feel right at home on Windows 10 with our Windows Transformation service. We can make your Windows 10 look and work much more like Windows 7.

With our Windows 10 Transformation service, we can make your Windows 10 computer look and work more like Windows 7! With our transformation service we will:
  1. Start the Windows 10 upgrade for you and assist you with the update.
    ~ After the update has completed, we will:
  2. Change the start menu to look like Windows 7 classic style and include your favorite programs
  3. Change your taskbar and start menu colors to your preferences
  4. Add an authentic Windows 7 start button
  5. Add Windows 7 Wallpaper (if desired)
  6. Change Windows 10 File Explorer so it works more like Windows 7's Windows Explorer
  7. Add My Computer -- and other familiar Windows 7 icons --  to your desktop (if desired).
  8. The Windows 10 Transformation service key never expires it's good until you use it.  So get yours now!

Get more information or purchase your "Transformation" now. 

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks 

How to Use Windows Task Manager
Windows 10 (all versions)

Task Manager is a great way to find out a lot of info about your PC. If your computer is freezing or hesitating, you can use Task Manager to show you what processes and programs are hogging system resources. You can use Task Manager to stop programs from running at Windows startups, and stop services and open Services.msc.

There are many ways to open Task Manager, here are a few:

  1. Right-click on your taskbar and click on Task Manager
  2. Press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys
  3. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete then click on Task Manager
  4. Windows Key + R. Type TASKMGR and press Enter

If you are opening Task Manager you may have to click “More details” to see details in Task Manager and so you can follow along with this tip.

Cloudeight Windows 10 Tips & Tricks

After clicking “More details” you’ll see Task Manager in all its glory.

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows tips

You can check your computer’s CPU and RAM usage, by clicking on the Performance tab. In Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, you can check your startup programs by clicking on the Startup tab. (Note: The Startups displayed in Task Manager is not a complete list of programs/apps starting with Windows - but it's a start. )

You can also check the status of Windows services. In Windows 8x and Windows 10, you can stop and start services from the Services tab in Task Manager and you can also open Services.msc from there.

Cloudeight Widows tips

Another thing you can do with Task Manager is view a list of processes running on your system. You can sort the list by name, by CPU or RAM usage and more. When you look at your list of running process, it may look like you have a lot of processes running in the background, even if you don’t have a lot of programs running. Most of you will have 60 or more processes running at any given time. In Windows 7, the number of processes running is shown along with processes. In Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, the number of process running is shown under the “Performance” tab.

You may notice that the list of processes “jumps” around as you’re looking at it. You can change the speed at which that list refreshes, by clicking View, then “Update speed”. You can slow down or even pause the update speed.

Cloudeight Windows tips and tricks

Task Manager is a tool you can use to learn more about your computer, to diagnose problems, clear up bottlenecks, and a lot more. Open Task Manager and expand your Windows world!

Cloudeight InfoAve

Convert Currency With Windows Calculator
Windows 10 (Version 1803 and newer )

Here's something we just discovered and it's a feature that we think a lot of you will use. If you're using Windows 10 version 1803 or newer, you can convert currency using Windows calculator and it's dead simple to do.

First, open Windows calculator. Type "Calc" (no quotes) in taskbar search and press Enter.

When the Calculator opens, click on the menu icon - it looks like 3 horizontal lines - and scroll down the menu and click on "Currency".

Windows 10 Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Internet

The Currency Converter will open. You can convert money to/from dozens of different currencies.

Windows 10 Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Internet

Just scroll down the list of countries to find the currency you want to convert to/from.

Windows 10 Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Internet

As shown by the screenshot below,  I convert $82.36 U.S. dollars to New Zealand dollars. To make sure you get the current exchange rate click on the "Update rates" link.

Windows 10 Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Internet

The Windows 10 Calculator's Currency converter is simple and easy to use. For more examples, see the screenshots below.

Windows 10 Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Internet

Windows 10 Tips & Tricks Cloudeight Internet

Now, go make lots of money and see how much it is worth in other places.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Basic Windows 10 Screenshot tips
Windows 10 (all versions)

There are many — many even hundreds — of programs for Windows that make it easy to take screenshots… some free and some not… some simple and some not… some really fantastic with a lot of features, others not so hot. If you have one you like, great. Keep using it!

But for Windows 10 users who need to take a quick screenshot and don’t have any 3rd-party screenshot software, it’s easy. Windows 10 makes it dead simple to take screenshots.

First, we are going to refer to the print screen key as the PrtScr key. Your computer may have it labeled differently, but it will be similar to PrtScr. You should find it on most English keyboards on the top row of the keyboard between the Pause/Break key and the “Delete” key — almost always on the top row of the keyboard on the far right.

OK. To take a screenshot on Windows 10 without using any 3rd-party software, all you have to do is press Windows Key + PrtScr key. Voila! You’ll instantly get a picture of whatever was on your screen and it’s saved automatically in your Pictures folder in a folder called “Screenshots”. The image will have a funky name like Screenshot or Screenshot(3). You can rename it, resize it, or leave it as it is.

But what if you want to take a screenshot of your lock screen in Windows 10? Easy as pie, I tells ya. Why would you want to do that? I don’t know… maybe share your lock screen with a friend? Complain about Windows advertising? Who knows? Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do.

With the lock screen showing, press the PrtScr key. That places the image on your Windows clipboard. You’ll then need to “Paste” the image into your favorite image viewer or image editing program.

If you don’t have one installed, you can use MS Paint. All Windows users have MS Paint [at least through Windows 10 version 1903]. To open MS Paint type MS PAINT in the taskbar search and press Enter.

Once you have MS Paint open, click the Paste icon in the ribbon.

Cloudeight InfoAve

What’s my lock screen look like? Well, today it looks like this:

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If you want to try taking a screenshot of your lock screen and you don’t want to restart your computer, do this:

Press and hold down the Windows Key and tap the L key. This locks your PC and shows the lock screen. Take your screenshot and log back in. Open your favorite screenshot app or MS Paint and paste the lock screen image and save it.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Simple Mouse Pointers
Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (all versions)

Forgive the pun, I couldn’t help it. But we might be able to help you with these easy mouse pointers…err I mean tips and tricks.  For all of you who use a mouse, we put together this comprehensive list of some of our favorite mouse tips and tricks. 

Mouse wheel / Middle button tricks

You can use your mouse wheel as a button. Pressing down on the wheel will act like a third mouse button. This can be used to open a web page in a tab by clicking the wheel on any link and can also be used to close a tab by clicking the wheel on any open tab.

Zoom in and Out on a web page, word document, excel spreadsheet, etc. by holding down the Ctrl key and moving the mouse wheel away from you (up)to zoom in and toward you (down) to zoom out.

You can move forward and backward while browsing the Web by holding down the Shift key and scrolling up and down. Scrolling down goes back and scrolling up goes forward.

And did you know that some mouse wheels can be pushed left or right to also move backward and forward on a web page?

So whether you have a middle button or a scroll wheel on your mouse, you have a middle-click option.

Use the mouse and Shift key to select text

Most of you know that you can select files and folders by holding the Shift key and clicking on the first and then the last file/folder. But this also applies to selecting text in documents like MS Word docs as well as text files (and Web pages).

All you have to do is click on the first character in the text you want to copy, then point to the last character, click and release the shift key. All the text between the first click and the last click is selected. Now just press CTRL + C to copy the selected text and CTRL+P to paste it wherever you want…like a Word doc or an email or a text file.

Maximize any program with a double-click

Instead of fumbling around looking or the maximize button between the – and the X in the top-right corner of program and file windows, just double-click anywhere on the title bar to maximize the window. (The title bar is the topmost part of the program window and usually contains the program name.)

Another Middle-Click Trick 

Now we’re going to show you a middle-click trick we’re sure you’ll use often.

For this example, we’re going to have you open Notepad, so go ahead open Notepad. If you’re using Windows 10 type Notepad in the taskbar search and click on Notepad (Desktop app) when it appears at the top. On any version of Windows, you can open Notepad this way:

Open a run command (Windows Key + R)
Type Notepad in the run box
Press enter

When Notepad is open you’ll see its icon in the taskbar. Now middle-click the Notepad icon – you’ll see that it opens a brand new instance of Notepad. You can do this again and again (don’t get crazy) and each time you middle-click on its taskbar icon a new instance of Notepad will open.


Cloudeight Windows tips and tricks

Cloudeight Windows tips and tricks

You can see that I have 4 Notepad windows open, I’m working in window #1. By middle-clicking the Notepad icon on my taskbar, I can open as many new Notepad windows as I want. Geeky people call this opening new instances. Take your choice.

If you think your mouse wheel is not a middle click button, try pressing down on it quickly – like you would your left and right mouse buttons. Most of you will find that your mouse’s scroll wheel doubles as a middle mouse button. The mouse I’m using right now is a cheap $15 Wal-Mart wireless mouse – and the wheel doubles as a middle mouse button on this cheap old mouse.

This trick not only works for Notepad but many other programs as well. It will work with any program that lets you open multiple instances. If you have an icon on your taskbar for Chrome, middle-click it – a brand new instance of Chrome will open. Most of you have a File Explorer (Windows Explorer) icon on your taskbar – if you middle-click it, a brand new File Explorer (Windows Explorer) window opens. You do this with a lot of programs- but not all. Some programs allow only one instance to run at a time So try the middle-click trick right now and open multiple instances of programs with a middle-click.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium -Tips & Tricks

3 Websites That Can Help You Find Out if a Site is Safe

First, don't make the mistake of thinking sites that say "Secure" are safe and site that say "Not secure" are not safe. Many good and safe sites are not running on secure servers because they don’t have to and they get kind of a black eye from the label "Not secure".  If a site does not collect any personal information they don’t need to run on secure servers, I tells ya – because no personal information is being sent between the visitor's computer and the web site.

Now I am gonna tell ya that secure does not mean safe. Not even close. Many malware sites, tech support scam sites, awful and nasty adult sites, etc. run on secure servers. Do you think that makes them safe? Nope!

For example, three of the Web’s worst places to download software all run on secure servers:

CNet Downloads
File Hippo

Those three sites and infamous for bundling unwanted programs (and worse) with the freeware they serve up for download. And I don’t think anyone who knows these sites would say these sites are safe just because they’re all on secure servers. And I ramble on just to make a point – the point is that unless you are familiar with a site, you really can’t tell if it’s safe or not – and you sure can’t assume “https://” or “secure” means it is safe. One thing you will find out for certain: Secure does equal safe.

So, all that being said, I think you’d agree that it is hard to tell just by looking at a site whether it’s safe or not. And nobody wants to be constrained to visiting only sites with which they are familiar. Part of the fun having a computer is browsing the Web and finding new and useful sites and programs. And therein lies the danger. Not every site is what it appears to be. So how do you really know if you can trust a site or not?

Before we share with you three sites you can use to help you determine if a Website is safe, we include this caveat:  No software, no website, no web app, and no person is 100% right (not even EB!) 100% of the time. We suggest you use these tools with a modicum of common sense too. You are the last line of defense. And in the final analysis, you must make your decision based on your judgment using the tools you have at hand. And we’re going to give you three more tools (Websites) you can use to help you determine if a web site is safe or not.

Google’s Safe Browsing 
Google’s Safe Browsing technology examines billions of URLs per day looking for unsafe websites. Every day, we discover thousands of new unsafe sites, many of which are legitimate websites that have been compromised. When we detect unsafe sites, we show warnings on Google Search and in web browsers. You can search to see whether a website is currently dangerous to visit.

Check out websites using Google’s Safe Browsing here.

Cloudeight InfoAve How to Check Web Sites
Above: Google’s Safe Browsing finds Cloudeight safe! Yay!

Trend Micro Site Safety Center
Scores are assigned based on factors such as a website’s age, historical locations, changes, and indications of suspicious activities discovered through malware behavior analysis. We’ve advanced how we apply web reputation to keep pace with new types of criminal attacks that can come and go very quickly, or try to stay hidden.

Use Trend Mirco’s Site Safety Center to determine if a site is good or bad.

Cloudeight InfoAve How to Check Web Sites
Above: Trend Micro’s Site Safety Center tells ya Cloudeight is safe! Double Yay!

Virus Total’s URL checker
Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community

We’ve recommended Virus Total before to check the files you’ve downloaded for viruses and other malware. But did you know that Virus Total also has a little known feature where you can check URLs to see if they’re safe or not?  Check any URL with Virus Total here.

Cloudeight InfoAve How to Check Web Sites
Above: Virus Total and 67 other places find Cloudeight safe. Triple Yay!

Look before you leap! It’s always good to know what you’re getting into before you get into it. Sometimes spending a few extra minutes checking things out can save you hours of trouble later on. Now you have 3 places to go to check out sites before you dive into them… figuratively speaking of course.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Reg Organizer: Cloudeight recommended and endorsed.


If you purchased or renewed Reg Organizer through Cloudeight within the last 12 months, you're entitled to a free version upgrade to Reg Organizer 8.30.

Save $14 on Reg Organizer right now!

Reg Organizer - A Swiss Army Knife of Windows Tools - Works Great on Windows 10!

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Essays , Rants, etc.

I’m Waiting

I’m quite sure you’ve noticed how slow time passes when you’re waiting for something. I guess it really depends on what you’re waiting for. If you’re waiting for something wonderful to happen, time passes slowly; if you’re waiting for something bad to happen, then time flies. It’s all connected somehow. Maybe Einstein’s theory that says time is relative applies to everyday life too, and not just the primordial workings of the universe.

Time changes depending on your vantage point.

Anyway… I’m sitting here waiting for the bus. I’m going home. I could wait for the bus in my house, it’s right down the street – maybe five blocks, but today’s an extraordinary winter day. The sun is shining, it’s almost 60 degrees, and there’s a hint of spring in the air. I don’t want to waste such a wonderfully pleasant day...

Please read the rest of "I'm Waiting" here.

Cloudeight InfoAve Premium
Cloudeight Direct Computer Care SeniorPass

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With our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care SeniorPass, our friends age 60 and older get one full year of unlimited computer care and repair for one low price. With our SeniorPass you'll get the best computer care anywhere - any time you need it!

SeniorPass is valid for unlimited computer care & repair sessions for one full year starting with the first time you use it. The clock does not start ticking until you use your SeniorPass for the first time. A great deal!

Having SeniorPass is just like having insurance for your computer. You'll get one full year of computer care and get help with almost any computer problem whenever you need it. We're here to help you.

Computer care & repair for one full year just $99!  Check out our SeniorPass offer right now!

Get your SeniorPass and/or get more information here.

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Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Back to Basics

Good Hackers, Bad Hackers

Good Hackers

You may think that hackers are all bad, but they're not. There are good hackers too. Good hackers, also known as "White Hat hackers", are skilled hackers, just as skilled as the bad guys. But good hackers put their skills to use finding loopholes and weaknesses in systems and programs that may be vulnerable to attacks so that these weaknesses and loopholes can be fixed before they're attacked by the bad guys - the bad hackers. Good hackers help make software, systems and networks safer for all of us.

Want to be a "White Hat hacker"? You can make a career out of being a good hacker. You can take professional courses if you're interested in hacking for a living... ethical hacking that is.

Bad Hackers

These are the hackers you read about in the news. Bad hackers or "Black Hat hackers" find security flaws, loopholes, and weaknesses in systems, software, and networks and exploit them for personal gain. By personal gain, we don't necessarily mean financial gain. Although most professional "Black Hat hackers" hack for financial gain, some do it for fame and recognition, others just because they can. Bad hackers are responsible for most of the data theft, identity theft and financial loss caused by malware and ransomware.

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Have a great weekend.

Darcy & TC
Cloudeight InfoAve Premium - Issue #833
Volume 16 Number 49
September 27, 2019

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